Part 15: Elijah's Quest

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This man stays on my mind.  We've been "friends with benefits" for eight months now, and I'm  as Giddy and unsure of myself  still every time he comes around. Today we have another press run. Since his book hit number one best seller, we've  been havifn to make several appearances a day on radio shows, news and day time tv. I am so proud of him.
Still hate that damned book though. Again i find myself in the media room for the show, where all the producers and camera team  sit, getting the right shots and asking the right questions. I can see him on the screens from in here talking to Trevor Noah, who is so cute with those dimples  by the way.

He's  wearing a suit. A three thousand dollar suit, that I begged him not to buy, but I'm  not his woman, so I try not to overstep. He looks nice.

"Your work is being called 'the insights of an honest man', whats your  take on that?" Trevor asks.

"Well, I'd  like to think I'm a raw, unfiltered, honest man, so I'm not shying  away from that title, and my book is the embodiment of just telling it like it is, whether its mean, or makes your you comfortable,the aim is to get to to learn." Elijah says.

"Well, do you  take your own advice?" Trevor asks and the crowd starts to laugh.

"Always," Elijah  smiles.

"Why is it then that you are single?" Trevor smiles, " is it that you cant find somebody?"

My heart starts to race, but then I quickly  remind myself that the last time I thought he was gonna out us, he didnt. I was just overreacting, so I breathe.

"Yes, I am dating someone." He laughs.

The crowd reacts and my gut turns.

"How long?" Trevor asks.

"About seven months."

"Oh waw, who is the lucky girl?" Trevor asks his mischievous smile, bringing out his dimples.

"Aurora Rose Mirage." Elijah beams, a smile so bright it threatens to crack the camera screen. " And I am very much in love with her."

My heart drops to my stomach, as I hear the oohs and aas of the crowd, and the cheering. He 'loves' me? We hadn't spoken the word in the near one year we've been in contact. I am so confused, scared even...

My worried eyes bring my attention to one of the producers, who is whispering in her microphone, and in that same second, I hear Trevor again.

"So, wait, you say Aurora Mirage?" Trevor asks, " Isn't that your publisher, twenty five-year-old, entrepreneur, first in her class, bombshell?"

Elijah chuckles,

"Yes that's the one."

I feel like I am going to throw up. And I don't know why. What am I feeling? What is this feeling?

"Does she read your book?"Trevor laughs

"She hates it." He shrugs and And the crowd laughs.

The producers and camera people giggle as well. I wanted to freak out, but I have to hold my composure. I don't want to give anybody a story.

        After the interview, I get ready to meet him in the limousine, we had ordered for this trip. I sit in the back, with a glass of champagne that, is my third thus far.
I told him not to fall for me...I specifically said I don't want love. Why would he be so careless with his heart?
Can I even love anyone?
Am I even capable?

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