Part 29: Madden me.

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I have checked myself into the Hamptons hotel for a week, and I have been in this room locked up for the past three days, unable to fulfill my requirements. Rory tried her best to keep her location discreet, but the agency found her without a problem. Georgia has been good at hiding, she knows the business. But Rory, I had no excuse but to take the file and make my way to Canada where she is with her grandma. I sigh heavily as the thought of killing both of them rips at my heart strings. How can I do it?

It’s them or you!
No… I don't have to do this shit, I can find another way, another to save all of us as to be there! 

But none that I know of. I've been hesitant to do this job for three whole days trying to find another way. It is driving me mad. I cannot kill her...or Gabe. I love her.  

Then don’t!

This internal battle has been going on for days and I can't seem to lean on one side more than the other. It all boils down to either them or me. My head and heart are at odds. This had never been a problem before. You've never loved anyone like this before.

I'm cleaning my gun, slowly packing my case with all the equipment I'd possibly need. They've rented a villa next to the beach. As I record my strategy for entry and completion for logs, my brain struggles to come to grips with the idea that I am truly going to do this. I start the recorder. 

"They'll be alone…" I start,feeling my throat shrivel up and dry out as the words escape. "no witnesses. No cameras on the house according to Reece's satellite footage and the closest house is one hundred yards away. Inside is two bedrooms, one bath, a kitchen and living area. Two possible exits, back and front door  with a window in the main bedroom that can fit a human being through. House is made of drywall, so isn't sound efficient so a silencer will be employed. Victim's liability to escape? Zero."

I sit in silence. The recorder still going, but I have no more words to say. Still I cannot move to turn it off. The beating drum that is my heart has got me in a trance, lost in the echoes of its beating.
My mind briefly visits the idea that my brother, Sebastian is the cause of all of this mess, he and Georgia both, fucked my life up! And for what,love? 

I scoff,

Neither of them know what love is. Georgia likes that I am a familiar dick, she's comfortable with me. We know each other. And Sebastian is trying his hardest to break free of the friend zone. If it were another situation, I'd cheer him on. But it isn't, he's  threatening the one thing that is keeping me grounded right now. This unexpected love. Well, threatened more like, because I have to kill her. He has dammed her to a life beyond this world, and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. My phone starts to ring, taking me by surprise. I look at it beside me on the bed, and on the screen is an unknown number. It’s a Florida area code. Who the hell is this?
I pondered if I should pick it up or not, my brain understood that it would stop ringing soon, so I impulsively answered.

“Hello?”I answer, putting the phone to my ear.

“Yes, is this Mr Bennett?”The soft, flowery voice asked on the line.

“Yes?”I answer reluctantly.

“This is Lucy’s bridal shop calling about the cancellation for the dress order by yourself and a Miss mirage?” She states casually. Unbeknownst to her, the very thought of Miss Mirage and that dress sinks me deeper into a hole. “She never came to pick it up, and you told us to keep it on hold, so I was just-”

“Yes, charge the fees to my account,” I say through gritted teeth.

“Are we to keep it in reserve for you just the same or are you purchasing?” She asks, and my brains started to  threaten to ache me.

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