Part 37: Worth Every Tear

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Aurora's Broken Heart

"Aurora, I'd like for you to take a deep breath in and let it out after I have finished counting to eight," Dr Daniels says. His blue eyes never leave mine as my panic attack grabs hold of my chest, gripping it tightly. Shockingly, even in my panicked state, I am able to comply with his commands. This cannot be happening...this cannot be real.

"Get me some oxygen in here now!" I hear him order his nurse. I am looking up at his face, only to watch as it fades into a blur as I am gasping for air. "Her windpipe is closing up!"

He tips open my T-shirt by the neck and I watch as his eyes take a plunge into a gutter of despair as he sees my scar. Seeing his panic to find out I have had open-heart surgery is not helping me right now, if I am honest. I could feel the tears running back into my ears, as I thought about how I just rushed Gabe here. How she was just in the car with me one second, going to get some food, to her just passing out in the front seat. I remember her head slamming on the dashboard as she lost consciousness and in a panic looking over at her, screaming her name, and the next thing I knew I was hitting the car in front of me. Both cars spun off the road and the last thing I remember was the car ending up in someone's fence. I hope they are all okay. Gabrielle and whoever that person was that I hit. 

They are Rory, but you need to slow your breathing baby, slow your breathing, I hear Bash's voice say to say.

"Mrs Bennett, we are gonna give you some oxygen now," he says as he puts the machine over my nose and mouth and tells me to take long, steady breaths. I do as told, trying my hardest to remember I have a baby to think about. 'Mrs. Bennett, I have a mind kicking him. But for what? He doesn't know any one does.

"Breathe Rose!"I hear Bash's voice in my head once again, "Breathe baby, please!"

The sound of his voice brought me so much calmth. But it isn't real. I close my eyes as my mind transforms the sounds in the room into the waves on the ocean. Calming, repetitive, solace. I'm breathing...I'm breathing...I'm, I'm...

Sebastian's Maddened Mind

Every day she comes in here smiling at me, giving me food and drink as though I am a pet she keeps. Not often do I look at her, but today, she's made a point to be seen. 

"I am not waiting on you to react," she says with a Chadian accent. I look at her in shock. She spoke English! I watched as her eyes lit up with excitement seeing my appalled reaction. I know she's doing this for the kick of it. She must be entirely bored or entirely provoking. She's known English all the months and said not a word to me in conversation. She saw me struggle with those Germans, she saw it all...and yet here I sit, in a makeshift fucking jail for trying to get back home. The rage building inside of me as I look at her, and all the while wishing it was Rose, is tearing me apart. Her long natural, kinky hair was down to the back of her knees in several plaits and her skin I can only compare to smooth, sheen, oak. Her eyes matched that same tint and they never left mine, as her thick, pink lips part to catch air as her body runs hot looking at me. It's obvious why she was here, now and every other time before. She wants me... the alien intrigues her.  Maybe she is a young woman wanting to be defiant to mom and dad and fuck the American.  Maybe she feels it may bring her some luck, or even the opposite if she's unhappy with her life. People here believe a lot of things I find odd, and it's not my place to convince them otherwise. I'm sure my being half-white doesn't sit well with them either. 
It suddenly occurs to me that I am half white and that I have been sticking out like a sore thumb, more so than I thought before.

Sure, Sebastian, you didn't notice that your yella skin was sticking out? 
I sigh heavily.

 Well, I've been focused on other things.

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