Part 31: Hide N Seek

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I finished my assignment  earlier than expected. The man I was sent to kill just so happened to already be drunk, so it made my job of drugging him and making him uncoordinated much easier. It made it even better that he wasn't fat. I sliced his body into bits and left his hotel room with him in a body bag stuffed in a suitcase. It was a beautiful day. I told my agency to keep my assignments closer to home or at home, so I  wouldn't  have to stay away from my "wife"  for too long. They agreed on the terms that if anything major were to need my aid I would have to agree to go. I of course couldn't  argue. Especially since  they are yet to come by and vet our "marriage". Throwing  the suitcase in the back of my trunk, I close it and  make my way to the driver seat. As I drive off my mind is clouded  with thoughts. I've been married now for a month and a half and it has been...quiet. I didn't  have unrealistic expectations of Aurora...I just wished she'd  at least  look at me like the man she loved a few months ago...the man who is still tryna save her life. But I  get that she can't, doesn't make it hurt any less though. As for the agency, I'm sure they've been watching us via satellite and spies, but it's the formal visit that I am dreading. Yes, she was a great actress at our wedding, but can she do it when  she is definitely being questioned about stuff and people are looking through rooms and even dirty laundry  for proof that this is all real?  

I sigh, shrugging it off.

I can't  keep worrying about Aurora. I love her… but her heart isn't with me… not even as a friend. I haven't fucked anyone since we got married...sure I fucked women during the time we broke up and she fled the country. But since we tied the knot, I just can't seem to want anyone but her. I wanna run my tongue from the back of her knees, to her ass cheeks...where I'll  leave hickies...then up her sides, taking her nipples between my lips and  sucking on them, hard. Till I make my way to her neck and lips, only to make my way back down, and make out with her pussy till she loses her senses. The thought makes me adjust in my seat. Damn it maan! Never thought this is how our story would end. Has it ended? 

Usually I don't allow my mind to think up stories, but what if it isn't done? What if this is just a phase? What if you're delusional? My subconscious interjects.

You murdered her mother, made her daddy commit fucking suicide,  because you almost killed her as a child! Why would she ever forgive you? She has lost everything because of you… and the scar on her chest…
Damn it, my baby has to look at that all the time and think about her dead parents and how she almost died. Now she looks at it and sees my face...a reminder of it all.

Sighing, I take a sip of some brandy I have stored in a metal water bottle, and it sends a chill down my spine! I growl as it burns the back of my throat. It’s a burn I welcome.

 I still have one job left for this week and  I'll  need to make it quick… this assignment is out of country, but I was assured, it wasn’t too far and one flight can get me there. I take another sip...not that I have a happy wife coming home to. By this time, next week, Georgia will be dead, by my hands. 

I still wince at the idea. She was in love with me, her actions spoke love, her loyalty to me, and the way she refused to let me go. I wish I could get that devotion right now, with Aurora.I wish Georgia would have followed the rules instead of allowing love to make her break them. You are a hypocrite Elijah, you are breaking the rules right now for Rory, and she doesn’t even love you anymore! Yes, but… I feel like I owe her two lives… her mom and dad...and because I can’t give them back to her, I gave her Gabe and Sebastian. I’ve repaid my debt… Georgia,however I have no choice but to follow orders on, or everybody else dies because of my insubordination. I cannot lose her… so I will chop Georgia into bits like old Paul in the trunk if I have to.

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