Part 13: Mature measures

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Finally, I have successfully published 'Lovers who can't love' by his majesty himself Elijah Bennett. Half a million copies worldwide. Now for our press run. Good morning America, The Wendy Williams Show, Ellen, and BET. I wonder if he's prepared for all this exposure and people asking him uncomfortable questions for a change?

Hmph, this should be fun.
I grin to my self, let's see how he likes it!

"Miss Mirage?" I hear at my door, and I muster all the care I have to greet Camila with a smile. Looking up I see her in a baby blue skirt suit with her hair in a bun at the top of her head. Her natural hair growing in at her roots.

"Yes?"I smile.

She looks at my smile as if it's misplaced, and I immediately tuck my lips back into my mouth, resorting to hiding them instead. Way to be normal Aurora! Even your secretary notices a smile is a weird accessory on your face.

"Mister Bennett is on line two, and the producer at Wendy's wants to know if there's  any off-limits  questions?"She rambles, "Oh and it's Mister Hemsworth's birthday today, you had me mark it on my calendar."

I would never have forgotten either way. So many years of friendship,  it would be hard to forget. I nod to her, trying to conjure another smile. Finding it difficult, I stop and shoo her out of my office. She quickly exits.

I melt into a sigh, landing my forehead on my desk, an uncomfortable feeling overcoming my body.

Usually, I try to do something nice for his birthday. Of course not a party. People aren't my favourite things. But I get little trinkets, we go out to dinner, of course with whichever girlfriend he had at the time, and we have a nice time. Or we get lit in my house and smoke some weed as we usually do once or twice a year to relax, eat and laugh. But, we aren't friends anymore. How exactly does one tell someone she isn't friends with a happy birthday? Taking up my phone, I go on his WhatsApp and see he has no display picture up. Well, it's a quote.  I read it.

Life has a funny way of making you want things you can't have.

I pout. I wonder if he and Sheree are having another situation? Nahh, she's married and halfway through her pregnancy. Sebastian would never interfere. Unless she's the one who is trying to have her cake and eat it too?

I sigh and scroll through his statuses. There are so many quotes! Well, there's one picture of him after the gym showing his abs and making sure the ladies see his hazel eyes. I smile shaking my head. Mr. Hemsworth is such a fuck boy.

"I see you no longer answer phones?" Elijah says by my door, walking in, his hands folded across his chest and a smirk on his face. He is wearing some blue jeans and a dark navy blue short-sleeved button-down shirt. I smile at him, and the smile doesn't feel misplaced or forced now. Hmm.

"I was gonna get to you." I shrug.

"Been on hold for twenty minutes love," He says sitting in the chair across from me, "The entire drive here."

"Oh, so why were you calling me if you were just going to come here?"I smirk, knowing full well I'm being a smart ass.

"Because-"He shrugs, "Wanted to check if you needed anything on the road."

"Remember I'm not your woman, no need to check on me, "I shrug, "Or check if I need things...we are just casual and meant to just be fuck-buddies, but the fuck part is yet to be established.So..."

He looks at me with a stern serious face, his brown honey, brown eyes glisten with fire and made me twitch a little in my seat. My eyes move to his lips, remembering the sweet way they tortured me before. Feeling my body ready to release moisture down there, I relax and bring my attention from his lips back to his eyes. Getting up, he walks around to my chair, and picks me up from my seat and lifts me to the top of the table, he fixes himself in between my legs, my little blue dress gathered at my waist,  due to him widening my legs, my mesh pink underwear now exposed.
Oh shit!
I feel my breathing quickening and my heartbeat followed suit.

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