Part 8-Strange turns

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It's Sunday, and almost time again for another dinner date with Rory and Gabe. After thirteen years, it becomes a staple to never miss a dinner when its planned. But I have to stay a bit to wait on Sheree to come by. She said she wanted to talk and I told her that I'll be available any time before three today. It's a little passed eleven and I'm eating breakfast, an egg and cheese sandwich, watching the morning news.

I don't know if I'm nervous or what, but I've cleaned the house.Thank God it's a one story, and I've showered, shaven and brushed my hair to perfection for our little meeting today.I don't know why she wanted to meet up, but I'm anxious, I've missed her. It's been months.
A part of me, the silly, unthinking part, thinks she's coming here to reconcile, and another part of me isn't as optimistic.

I finish my breakfast and make my way to the living room, slump my body down into my leather couch that makes a deflating sound as I land and I make myself comfortable. While I watch some tv... well it's more like watching me at this point as I am spaced out.

Suddenly my phone rings, and I take it out my pocket to answer.My chest being strangled by nerves. Is it Sheree? Looking at the caller ID I see that it it Sabrina, my one night slash morning stan...I specifically told this female that I am not looking for anything serious, that I don't know where my head or heart is right now, and she should steer clear...but.Females. They want what they want.
I answer the phone with a goal of making my point clear yet again.

"Hey ma wassup?" I say.

"Nothing daddy, I was just wondering whatchu doing, I'm bored." She sighs.

Okay, so I'm the entertainer?

"Okay, so go do somethin'."

"Like what?" She chuckles.

I don't know, watch TV, knit a sweater, I don't know!

"Something fun."I sigh.

"Like you?" She says, and I hear the hint of sexual intention in her voice.

"Or, you could sleep." I say, adding a chuckle as not to offend her.

"Stop playin' Sebastian, I really wanna see you." She groans like a spoiled child.Its kinda cute...and I like being wanted, but Damn if I am gonna like being used too.

"It ain't like that ma, I don't want you catching feelings for me when I'm emotionally unavailable." I sigh, "That's a sure way to get hurt."

"I wont get hurt, I'm a big girl I can handle my own."

"Oh?" I say with a thick coat of doubt in my voice, "Cause last I checked my phone you've been trying to come by since our last encounter real hard."

"That's cause I liked the last experience." She giggles, "You sure know how to please a woman."

"Thanks." I reply bluntly, "And if its pleasing you want, that I can offer, but nothing more."

"I got it." She says coyly, "So?"

I roll my eyes in an attempt to gather my thoughts and control my want to hang up and block her.But I don't wanna be rude.

"So, when I got the time, I will let you know."

"Great then!" She says excitedly, "I'll be waiting and wanting Sebastian, so call me."

"Will do ma." I say, "Catch you later."

"Okay boo."

I hang up just in time to hear my door bell, and I spring up from the couch and head towards the door. Opening it, I am met with Sheree's heart melting smile.She is dressed in a blue maxi dress that hugged her petite body, her short bob hair style in waves.

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