Part 10: A Problematic Hour

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It's been a long, tedious, hectic and problematic day in the office, and I am seriously ready to go home and right this minute! I'm in the process of reading through some more manuscript and also figuring out covers for Elijah's book. We plan to launch at the end of September which is three months from now, since its mid July right now. I rest my head on my desk, trying to catch a beat.

"I don't want to be here right now." I groan.

"Really?" I hear by my door, "then we should go get you some lunch then huh grumpy?"

I look up,my chin still on the desk to see Bash in his usual 'pop up' spot by my door,leaned against its frame, legs crossed by his ankles and arms folded over his chest, with his usual confident smirk on. His hazel eyes smiling at me. I can tell he's happy to see me, and I have to admit, I'm happy to see him too. It's been a minute.

I smile at him.

"Sure Bash, where too?" I ask.

He perches his lips.

"How about we go to Benny's?"

I smirk at him and roll my eyes.

"Oh since I didn't get to last time huh?"

He laughs,

"Of course." He smiles, "I owe you, now get up Angel, let's go."

I take a deep breath, and fluff my afro curls. I must look a mess. I dragged on a red pencil dress some black heels and red lipstick this morning, and voila! I'm ready for the world!

Who am I kidding? I feel horrible. I'm sleepy, I'm not focused and the corn on my little toe is killing me in these heels right now!

"Come on Rory, it's about to be rush hour and I really, really don't wanna be hungry stuck in traffic, "He smirks, "Even worse stuck in traffic with a hangry Rory!"

I growl at him,

"I think today may be the day that I finally kill you."I say with a psychotic smile, "Try me Bash, please do."

He laughs out.

"Okay, Okay, I won't yank your chains today, promise." He pouts with a cheeky smile.

I smile shaking my head. Getting up, I grab my keys to my Honda and my handbag. As I get to the door, he turns through it, and exists.

Wait what? No hug?

I'm taken aback for a moment. That's never happened, that doesn't happen, and if it does usually its because I'm mad at him. But I'm not, so is he mad at me? Or am I overthinking this? Maybe he just forgot, it has been weeks and it's easy for people to forget stuff.

I sigh, my brows furrowed as I walk through the door, closing it behind me.

"Come on beautiful!"I hear in the elevator, across the hall.I look up to see him with a huge smile on his face, and before my confusion is noticed, I give him one back, walking briskly toward him. As I get to the elevator he presses the button for us to go down. We stand side by side, and I feel awkward all of a sudden as the silence coats the small space.

"Is there something the matter?" I ask with concern in my voice.

Maybe it's Sheree?

I see his jaw tense, and he looks down at me with the usual confidence in his eyes.

"Of course not Rory Rose." He smiles.

Huh? I don't know if I'm trippin' but I think I'm being lied to and I don't like it.

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