Part 5- Unlock

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"When you said you had a boat, I thought you meant like those canoe looking things, not like an actual yacht!"I beam while the wind tries its best to blow my hair back and I lift my face to receive the sun.

"I'm not wealthy,  but I sacrifice for my comfort, and I love yachts, so I saved up for one." He smiles approaching me with his button down shirt open showing his chisel chest and perfectly sculpted abs as the sun glistens on his dark chocolate  skin. He is wearing some blue shorts and leather American Eagle flip flops... fitting attire  for an evening sailing.

Maan was this man hot. Its incredible how he could be so fit!

Yea , yea, he's hot, so what? My subconscious scoffs.

I'm hot too, shit, he should be impressed with me! I scoff.

"Want something to drink?"He grins at me, laying back on his elbow  on the built in suede couch that is located at the back of the luxurious water vessel named Siri.

"Sure." I shrug and he grins shaking his head at my nonchalance.

As much as I'm  impressed, I'm trying  my hardest to seem indifferent  and u phased. Truth is I've  never  been on a yacht.Its exhilarating!
But damn if I let him think he's  doing something 'special'.

He gets the bottle of chardonnay from the ice bucket and retrieves the two champagne glasses that rested beside it in a cupholder built into the small marble table in front of us.
He pours us both a glass and hands mine to me.

"Thank you."

"You're  most welcome madame."He smirks and I smile in response.

"Talk to me."He jumps up into a sitting position that required him to have his elbows on his knees and his face closer to me and I sit beside  him.

About what?

"Watchu wanna know?" I shrug.


Me? Of course the one thing I rather not talk about, me, is what he wants to know about. Not about what  I do for fun, type of music I like or books I've  enjoyed...but me? Unless this is really what he meant and I'm  overthinking.

"I'm Aurora Mirage, I'm twenty four years old, born October first, graduated first in my class where I studied Modern Literature, I like the colour purple, but prefer blue in clothing, I own my home; a two bedroom one bathroom little place, where I am comfortable-"

"Uh.."He says holding up his finger, was I being too vague? "Uhm, thanks for all the filler information, but I really was asking about You, what does Aurora like, who is Aurora, what made her...her?"

I fold my arms over my chest protectively, with a blank look on my face. He wants me to tell him information I don't even talk about anymore...i don't find important or necessary to talk about anymore.Stupid, unnecessary information... painful information.

"I'm not comfortable talking about me."I say dryly, taking a sip of my champagne.

"I know, I've noticed."

"Then if you know then why press me?" I ask astonished! 

"Because I can, because you need to be pressed, you need to be understood."He says seriously.I take another sip of champagne and roll my eyes, looking away from him.

Basing my eyes over to the horizon where the mountains, trees and clouds all seem to be hugging, while litte black birds dance in the air. It was a peaceful, picturesque view from the middle of the Ocean. James Ridge,Miami is a beautiful place.

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