Part 23: Revelation

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I open my eyes to be greeted with blinding sunlight through my windows. I squint, turning my head away to behold the chocolate god of a man, a ripped masterpiece, sent down by aphrodite herself and a smile spreads across my face. Suddenly it dawned on me that it is my birthday... and Gabe is throwing me a small party. Why am I really going to be celebrating a birthday today at Gabe's again?

I would much rather be in bed all day, it's Saturday, that's what you do on Saturdays.

Sure, twenty-five is a great accomplishment, especially when you are the top of your field and have a man who loves you and supports you as I do.

I look over at him on my bed, fast asleep. I brush my fingers along his cheek.

"Mine," I whisper.

He shifts his body and takes my hand into his, his eyes still closed. He kisses my hand.

"Always." He smiles, "Happy birthday Aurora,"

I smile at him. Smooth Bennett, smooth.

It's a bit after ten in the morning now, and Elijah and I are sitting around my coffee table eating our grilled cheese sandwiches he made us. They are too good, I told him I wanted them. He is sitting on the couch, and I am between his legs, laying on his chest.

"Hey don't get no crumbs on my robe little miss!"Elijah groans and I immediately burst out laughing.

"Shut up, stupid!"I laugh biting into my grilled cheese.

"Oh, so we tryna be up in here with ants and roaches now?"He laughs poking me in the side and I flinch as it tickles. "So we gonna be nasty for your birthday?"

I chuckle,

"This isn't the nasty I'm tryna be," I say under my breath.

"I heard that!" He laughs out, "But we gonna be late ma, so we can't even think about that, plus I am sure you are still sore from last night, I'll be sure to dick you down after your party."

"Promise?" I ask in my best pouting voice.

"Yes, anything you need, daddy will give it to you."

I smile, knowing how true that is. I don't know if I am a fool for this man or if I'm a fool for this man's dick! But I am clearly, all about him. I haven't seen Gabe in a minute, we talk on the phone every day, but I haven't found the time to go all the way to the countryside to see her. I feel bad, so I agreed to the party. Not to mention the fact that I hear Sebastian is moving away for work, and he hasn't mentioned. Mind you, we have decided to lose each other. Every day I wonder if that's something we both really want. Things feel very imbalanced...just off. Elijah is a welcomed distraction, and if I am honest, I've avoided going to Gabe's this long, because I know I'm going to just miss him even more. It's been our tradition for too long to have Sunday dinners for me not to feel some type of way having it be just Gabrielle and me.

I sigh heavily, taking my phone from my robe pockets, I check the time. Twenty minutes after ten... good... I have time to prepare. Going on my Instagram, I start to view people's stories. Everything from outfits to vacation, to the stupid flat tummy teas people keep advertising is here to see. I come out of stories and immediately a picture of Bash is first in my feed. He is with someone...a woman. They look like they were coming from an event, both of them dressed in formal wear. Him in a dark, navy blue tux and her in a bright, neon yellow gown, that wrapped around her petite body. She is dark-skinned...short, beautiful. I feel like someone is sitting down on my chest. I sit up.

"What's wrong baby?" Jah asks.

"Nothing," I say. Quickly swiping up my screen to get off the picture.

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