Part 21: Hard Times

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Another Sunday and neither of them have come to see me. I make the best of them just the same, I've lived a long time, and though most of that time has been spent alone, there are days when I miss my husband and miss my daughter and Steve. The silence is just goddamn too much!

I shake my head as I sip my morning coffee.
Sebastian is avoiding me... I get it... I had to tell him some hard truths, and Aurora is caught up with her new man. We were all there at some point...fools in love.

I sigh, wrapping my green, silk scarf around my neck, sipping my coffee as my mind spins with thoughts. It's still early...maybe they'll come eventually.

I'll bake a pie just in case. Yeah, I could do that.


"Oh Elijah, baby stop, stop!" I moan softly as his tongue invades my pussy. Fuck! I am writhing in agonizing pleasure as he tortures me on my desk. I try and close my legs, but he widens them even further, torturing my clit with his wet, soft, tongue. Before I could resist further, I am a twitching, vibrating mess, cumming apart on his lips. I look down at him to see his majestic eyes, piercing into mine, darkness present in them that only lit my fire more. I bite my bottom lip and he licks his lips. Getting to his feet, he traps my lips in his, kissing me, hard.

"You see how good you taste?" He breathes on my lips. "How could you expect me to stop?"

I slow my breathing, smiling up at him as he smirks at me.

"Next time you feeling stressed at work, do not ignore my calls, answer," He says, stroking my cheeks, "So that I can come and make you feel better."

I smile at this... the audacity of this man. I shake my head as he pulls my panties up, hoisting my body off the desk and situating them on my body. He pulls my dress back down and fixes a stray curl behind my ear. I watch him as he fixes up his own garments. He is most definitely controlling all the time...

Do I like that?

I'm not sure... I don't know...

Is he?

Maybe I am so used to having all the control where my life and choices. Maybe I am overthinking.

"You make me feel like if I defy you, you'd go crazy or something," I say, my brows furrowed. He looks at me confused, then he smirks.

"Maybe," Hey says, kissing my forehead. "If I feel like I may lose you, that isn't far from what I believe may occur."

I look at him as if he has lost his mind.

"You better never lose your temper with me, I see your control issues coming out a lot lately, and I just wanna nip it in the bud before it gets any worse," I say with a very serious tone.

He looks at me and tilts his head to the side, regarding me keenly.

"Asking me if I'd ever hit you?" He asks confused.

Am I?


He sighs heavily and shakes his head.

"It's always something new with you Aurora," He folds his arms across his chest and leaned his body against the wall, next to the entrance of my office. I lean back on my desk, regarding him too. "Last week I am a liar who is cheating on you, this week I may become abusive?"

"No, I didn't say that Jah, it's just that we've never had the talk, and I have never seen you lose your temper," I shrug, "I am just making myself clear here, that's a strike in my book, period."

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