Part 7- I have some concerns.

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Photo of sebastian^^


The alarm has been going of for about five minutes now, and until I get up to turn it off it will probably keep going til my phone dies.

I can't seem to move. I don't want to move.

It's Saturday, and I have absolutely nothing to do. The reality of how absolutely alone I am has grown irritating to think about. Rory is so busy all the time. I have not a clue what she is doing or why she's all of a sudden so busy. Sheree, hmph...Sheree has move on and me, well....I'm trying to live a little.

"Breakfast?" Sabrina asks.She's this tall black beauty with dark, haunting eyes, plump brown lips with a neck length hair cut that fits her face so great.She's laying beside me, naked as the day her mother brought her here, the curve in her back that lifts right at her ass that was poking up. Goddamn.

I turn to her with a smirk, using my hand to jiggle one of her ass cheeks.


"Sure ma." I smile, " My kitchen is pretty practical, you'll find what you need."

She bites her bottom lip and get up from the bed revealing her flat stomach, beautify perky breast, dark tiny nipples and a well shaven pussy.

How did I get so lucky to land this jackpot my first night at the club in along while lastnight. I wonder if I should make her a staple booty call or leave it where it's at?

We shall see.

She giggles seeing my reaction to her body. She is fine as fuck, smooth skin, nice body and a pretty face. Walking off her ass jiggles and she opens the door to my room and exits. I pick up my phone, finally turning off the alarm and dialing Rory's number, I wait for her to pick up.

I lay with my hand behind my head, the sheet just over my dick.

"Hey you."She answer sounding tired, I move the phone from my ear to look at the time. Oh, it's minutes passed six in the morning, it is quite early. I put the phone back at my ear.

"I haven't been hearing from you, wassup, this how we living now?"I smirk, knowing That question will irritate her.

"Oh Bash, shut up." She sighs, "We'll hang soon."

"Hmm, how about later?"

"Later isn't good." She groans, sounding tired.

My brows furrow.

"How come?"

"I had plans already, we'll just have to postpone,how about Monday for lunch?"

I don't know why, but an unusual uneasiness ran through me. What is she up to?

"Something you not telling me?" I ask, "Has my best friend card been revoked?"

She chuckles, but I am so serious, it's been over a month since I've seen her. I've seen her, but once after her office party and that was that.

"Bash I've just been living, and tryna go out more, get out of my box." She says sounding cheerful, "but, Monday, definitely Monday."

"Yea?"I say curiously, "So whatchu been doing?"

"I went sky diving a couple of weeks ago." She says excitedly and I gasped for air.

"You? Rory Rose went sky diving?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yea and oh my God Bash or was scary then it was amazing, the rush I got from it..." She was at a loss for words and I was just at a loss in general.

"You realize that that's some white people shit right?" I says and she laughs.

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