Part 22: Lines

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I am woken suddenly by the sound of my room door, slamming shut. I look up, with my hands, shielding my eyes from the rising sun to see Jah standing by my door. He's wearing a suit, all black. His eyes had zero feelings coming from them, and the tension in the room only grew with each second we both just stared at each other.

I look at him, and my heart melts. Man, I've missed him. But I am also very annoyed. It's been two weeks since I've seen or heard from him, and though I've missed him, my natural reaction is to be bitter.

"Did you get lost on the way to your house?" I asked rolling my eyes. He doesn't say anything but leans his body on the door frame. He folds his hands across his chest, having a finger pressed on his lips. He seemed in deep thought. So much so that my question doesn't seem to have phased him. I sit up in bed and crossed my legs at the ankles. I'm good at stare downs, let's get petty then!

This goes on for another minute or so, and I painstakingly put effort into making my face as deadpan as possible. What is going on in his head? How mad could a simple request have made him?

"I've missed you," He says finally, breaking me from my thoughts. I take a breath, feeling my nerves giving way.

"You have an odd way of showing it, " I said acidly. He smirks.

"You have a funny way of showing me that you trust me," He rebuts.

"Well, I never said I did!" I seethe.

He looks at me confused for a moment, then sighed with frustration.

"I forgot, you have layers and layers piled up still," He sighs, "Aurora, I am very patient with you, but you are pushing me."

"Oh am I?"I ask with an attitude, "And you don't think you're pushing me by not speaking to me for two whole fucking weeks my nigga?"

"My nigga?" He asks appalled.

"I said what I said!" I say with as much attitude as I could gather. I was tapping right into my serious, no bullshit side, that apparently has a hint of ghetto in her. I've never had to really get mad at anyone and show my true colours, but he is trying me.

He shakes his head.

"You asked some pretty insulting questions,"

"So if I ask someone if they are a pilot because they are wearing a pilot's uniform, and they turn out not to be, am I wrong to ask?" I look at him expectantly.

"It isn't the same thing when it comes to the woman you love thinking she has to 'warn' me about abuse," He sighs, "do you think that low of me?"

For a moment I am still, silent, deep in thought. I didn't mean it that way, but I suppose how I meant it doesn't matter much compared to how it came off.

"Again, I am sorry for that, it was a misunderstanding, but that gives you no reason to go M.I.A on our relationship," I sigh, "I may not be a relationship expert, but I know damn well that level of childish is never okay!"

"You are right, and for that I do apologize," He says, walking toward me now. I watch as he near me, undoing his tie with every step. "But let me reinforce something to you Aurora, I am not Chad, and I am not your in-denial best friend,"

My eyes widen in shock, as I hear him mentioned Chad and even worse...Bash.

"I am your man, and I will be everything you've never had," He breathes, as he drops his tie to the floor and proceeds to take his jacket off. I pretend not to notice him, stripping off his garments, piece by piece. My eyes do not leave his. What was he playing at?

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