Part 11: Brand New

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"Date Night," I say to myself aloud, whilst looking in my full body mirror at my outfit. I'm wearing a sheer purple blouse with my black skinny Jean's and a black Bridget's slipper that buckles at the side, silver accessories, kept to a minimum of a thin bangle on each wrist, silver medium hoops, and a thin silver chain. My hair is up in a pineapple, my afro curls at the top, hanging down slightly at my ear, and my baby hairs laid. My makeup kept simple; foundation, purple matte lip paint, and mascara. I look at my body in the mirror, admiring my own curves, looking at my butt in my jeans to see if it looks square in these jeans. It doesn't, thank god.

I look my self up and down. This will do.

Grabbing my bag, I make my way out of my house.

Suddenly I feel a jerk in my stomach, as I close my door behind me. I feel uncertain all of a sudden, like something is telling me not to go, my better judgment and strong female intuition telling me not to do this, not to go out with Elijah on a 'date'.

I roll my eyes and scoff at myself, throwing my keys into my bag.

You've been over this Aurora. You guys have been on so many adventures together, this is nothing.



The moment I turn around, Elijah pulls up in his red Bugatti Chiron. It's a two million dollar car, I'd love to own. I love it. But as I watch him pull up to my gate, my heart starts to pound, threatening to break out of my chest. A date? Aurora? this could turn into something you didn't bargain for. You can't have that!

I know... I know...I've got this...It's me we're talking about here subconscious, take it easy!

Taking a deep breath, I conjure a smile and walk towards his car. In seconds he's out he car and opening the door for me. His cool, calm demeanor was unusually nervous. What? Why?

I look at him from head to toe taking in his khaki pants, that fit perfectly on his buff legs, and his button-up plaid short-sleeved shirt, and his pearly white contrasting against his chocolate exterior. Man, he is fine!

"You looking good Aurora." He smiles and refers me to sit, as he holds open the car door.

I smile,

"You clean up well too sir."

He grins at me and closes the door, as I sit.

I watch him walk around the car to the driver's side, my smile still stamped on my face. I'm nervous still...I guess I can't even convince myself that we'll come out of this date unscathed.

He sits, and starts the car, and looks over at me with a curious smile.

"I only have a few questions left Aurora, be prepared for them. " He smiles and looks away to allow me to soak that information. Okay...well..I'm ready for whatever they well as what comes after...

I hope.

My stomach twists itself into a perfect knot. Breathe Aurora...

"Let's get ready to woo you with this awesome date I've planned."He smiles and I conjure a smile for him too.

Though I don't want to smile right now...I wanna cave into my anxiety and open the door and make a run for it!

Who was I fooling? I'm not brave, exciting or adventurous! I'm sarcastic, reserved, tenacious and uptight, and that's my comfort.

God, please don't let this "date" feel like one. I need it to feel like two friends going out, as it's always been with us.

Elijah drives off, and my mind goes back to deep thought as the houses and trees.

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