Part 17- Tremor

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Why are they both looking at me like that? Sebastian has gone pink and Gabe looks like she higher than a kite. Did I miss something? Does my hair look like a nest right now? As it should, cause I haven't had time to comb it.

'Rory don't get sidetracked!' My subconscious reminds me.

"Look you guys I just want a civil Sunday Dinner, I'd like to just relax today, "I sigh, my eyes and his meet and my heart drop. I miss him. Last I saw him, he was storming out of the Lab opening, "And Sebastian, we'll talk after."

He looks at me and nods.

"Is something burning?" I ask, my nose suddenly picking up the smell of burning rice.

"Shit!" I see Sebastian leap from his chair, revealing grandma's apron around his waist. Heads to the stove here attempt to get the cover off the pot with his bare hands, burning his finger in the process. "Shit!" He yells out once again.

Gabe starts to laugh,

"Chile I told you not to burn my house down, but that didn't mean you needed to find something else to burn!"She chuckles herself into a few half coughs, half laughs.

He's cooking?

"I didnt know I needed to eat before I came for dinner?" I smirk, and he turns around to smirk right back. His usual, I'm too cool for comfort smirk.

"I thought I'd cook today, since its a special occasion, you know, with you talking to me again." He says.


My smile melts off my face and he watches as it disappears, and his fades too.

"I mean, I came to talk, I don't know how it'll end, that's kinda what the talm it for."I sigh. He nods, eyes drooped. "Look you've been my best friend for too long for me to just shut all opportunity for forgiveness down, so I'm doing my part, communicating."

His shoulders roll back, and he stood taller than he did before.

"I understand, and I'm grateful Rory."Bash sighs, " I am just glad we are all here, it's been a while."

"Yeah, "I whisper. We stand, looking at each other with nothing left to say, an awkward silence creeping up. I opt to break the silence, "Well, is anything eatable?"

His face falls into a state of dread,

"Righhht" he says, "So anyone wants Chinese?"

"Well, it beats that burnt mess you got over there," Gabe grumbles, "Even dog would be better than that mess."

"Grandma, thats racist!"I admonish her, and Sebastian laughs, "It isn't funny Bash, someone oughta whoop her old butt!"

"Well it ain't gonna be me, " He says holding his hands up, 'I ain't tryna get a whooping with that cane!"

"Well, you might get my foot up to your butt, if you don't stop encouraging her." She rolls her eyes, a slight smile playing on her lips.

     We decided to eat at Olive Gardens, since Sebastian's attempt at cooking almost cost Gabe a new house!

I smile at the thought. What made him think he should cook? I look at him, while he eats his pasta, Gabe beside him, easting her garlic bread and tomato soup. They look lost in their food, while I'm here lost in thought. It's been a quiet dinner. But my head is the complete foil to the current environment. It's even kind of awkward, to be honest. The way no one is speaking or making eye contact is literally sucking the life out of me. I swallow my pasta and conjured a shy smile on my face.

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