Part 26- Fall into place

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Aurora Rose Bennett

"Hey look at me," Jah says, tipping my chin up. I look at him with a spoiled pout and rolled my eyes.I am so mad right now, I could fucking fight.  "You cannot have our first dance as a married couple be to Rihanna's sex with you!"

"And why not?" I growl.

"Baby girl, my mother is a Christian,and though Gabe has a potty mouth, I doubt she'd  appreciate it either," he grins playfully. 

I'm sure he's right, but I still think it would be hilarious if we had a dance routine to that among other songs like Justin Beiber's Yummy. Sex isn't  taboo, it's normal, and we'd be married for christ sake! I sigh defeated as he puts his shoes on, getting ready for work. He hasn't had many jobs lately, but he's been okay, since his investments in real estate and money from his home visits and overseas visits is in savings. He's told me he's set for life with money he gets through private sessions alone, since the people he works for pay top dollar. I pout, getting up from the bed, naked, since last night we found ourselves making love till the sun came up. I smile, remembering all that went on. Kinky does not describe this man at all.
I watch as he puts on his dress jacket completing his black Armani suit with a checkered red and black tie and  a dark grey undershirt. Why must everything he wears look so good on him? His huge muscles, threatening to burst through his clothes. I bite my lips, walking past him toward the bathroom. I needed to focus, work has been falling on the back burner lately, and this wedding that we are planning is taking up much more time than I had anticipated. As I wash off, I hear him shout by the door.

"I love you my prize, have a great day today!"

I smile.

"I Iove you too!"

Suddenly, now that I'm alone in the house my mind becomes a tornado of thoughts. I get married in less than two weeks, and I have to be honest with myself...I'm nervous. It isn't but less than two years ago that I was a complete cynic and hard as stone. Completely void of feeling but for a few people, and now, I'm in love and going to be a wonderful man nonetheless. So then why are you nervous, Rory? This is what you wanted, someone to love you, wholeheartedly, honestly and carefully. I smile to myself, allowing the water to run down my hair. There's nothing to worry about, you made the right choice, and it'll be okay.

I take a deep breath. 

Just focus on work and the fine tweaks to the wedding that will have to be smoothed out by Wednesday. That's three days from now, so I've got to hurry. And that's another thing, the fact that we are in no way having a long engagement. He proposed a month ago and insisted on us getting married as soon as possible.  I agreed seeing no harm in it then. And to be fair, it would have been an easier process in the short time we have if I didn't want some of the things I wanted. It's gonna be a small ceremony obviously, we don't have many people in our lives between the two of us, but I still needed the few things we'd have to be perfect. The last time a man proposed to me I didn't even get to say yes much more have a wedding. I smile to myself, rubbing my scalp underwater. The era of Chad, though a painful one to remember, is only painful now because it comes with memories of Jaden. I have no feelings, whether negative or positive towards the man. But he sure did teach me some hard lessons in life. Lessons I've cherished for a long time, they kept me from hurting...and now, I'm open again, so much so that in a few days, I'll be Misses Aurora Rose Bennett.

I pray everything is falling into my heart I mean. All those pieces that were scattered and broken with only the smallest pieces of tape holding it together, I hope they stay intact. I do not wanna hurt this man because I am hurt. He deserves to be loved correctly. He does, and he will.

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