Part 6- Genesis

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It's our first doctor's appointment and I have never been so happy to have him right here with me through this. I just feel like I'm getting stared at, which I'm likely not, I'm just conscious of the fact that I am a pregnant,twenty year old, college student.
I'm wearing a blue T-shirt with denim Jean's, with rips across the knees, with a pair of black converse's and a Chad's over-sized black hoody to mask the tiny bump that is starting to poke out of my shirts.

Chad's holding on to my knees, keeping them together, to keep me from getting antsy and tapping my feet. I lean my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes to distract myself from the many pregnant women sitting in this OBGYN office.Most of them seem happy, sitting with their men, others look confused, some unbothered and another set looking just as anxious and nervous as me, so keeping my eyes closed and thinking about the amazing night Chad and I had last night is definitely helping.We went to the movies and saw Angelina Jolie's movie Salt, which was amazing. He bought me all the junk I wanted, including my new combination of ice cream with Doritos crushed in it. I know gross, but it's what I'm craving.

Suddenly I hear his phone go off, and my eyes instantly shoot open as he takes it out of his pocket, then proceeds to hit the decline button. The number wasn't saved.

"Miss Mirage?" I hear the soft voice of nurse say, she is approaching me in her blue scrubs with a clipboard in hand.She is a bit chubby, blonde with a smile that makes me feel relaxed."The doctor will see you know."

I nod feeling my mouth dry up. I am completely nervous.Everything that could go wrong attacks my mind all in that moment and I feel my legs threatening to shake.

"Hey, baby, it'll be fine." He kisses my head once again, then gets up, taking my hand,helping me up as well. These nerves are getting the best of me!

We are in the doctors office. And as I lay there, with a sheet over my named bottom half, and Chad, sitting by the bedside looking just as nervous as me, his light skin practically red.I reach out my hand and he takes it and kisses it.

"It'll be fine, like you said." I reassure him.Gee have the roles reverse in ten minutes?

Just then the doctor, Dr. Kimo walks into the room, a short, slim, African lady.Her hair in a swooped pony tail and her light brown eyes, walk into the room in a light beige, skirt suit and black platform heels to make up for height. She looks mid forties and smiles at us as soon as she enters the room.

"Hello you young people!"She beans, " Oh I just love seeing young married people, it gives me hope."

My eyes sudden flash from her to Chad who was looking at her dumbfounded, but tried to hide his shock from his face as much as possible.

"Yeah, we've been the happiest newlyweds there's ever been! " Chad says in his most convincing ecstatic voice. At first I am so confused as to why he'd not correct her instead of allowing her misconception.But I resort to joining in the joke as well. Why not?

"Yea, not to mention we get blessed by this little one so soon after. "I smile, Oh lord.

"Yes,indeed!" She beams, " Let's check on baby shall we?"

She says while getting her gel in hand, and I sigh a breath of relief that we didn't have to continue that charade.Of all the Doctors in this place, we ended up choosing the one that believes everyone who ends up pregnant is married, because I'm guessing its the only appropriate way to go about having a baby? What. the.actual.fuck.

I look over at Chad who is grinning his face off, our eyes meet and we smile knowingly at each other.She applies the gel and starts to move the wand around on my abdomen. I don't look at her or Chad, my eyes are glued to the screen, the black and white view to my future child.

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