Part 3- No stork.

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Finally, these blue prints seemed as if they wanted to take a life time to finish. I've got everything down as far as cost for certain landscaping products and items, where the buildings will go,sizing, height, tile size...everything.I will go through it again later for safe measure.

My eyes are burning.I hardly got any sleep and my fingers feel tired from writing, drawing and erasing.I crack them and fan them out to release the tension in them.

"You need to try and get some sleep Mr Hemsworth." I hear Sheree at the door of my home office.She stayed the night.

I look up to see her dressed in a silk, short,Lacey, black nightgown.Her firm breasts and wide hips poking out through the fabric.Her processed hair, neck length and let down. My baby was a vision. Dark velvet skin and brown eyes. Also big brains, first in her class at law school.A prize for any man who has her, super mature for her twenty-two years.

My mouth waters looking up at her.

"What do you say we give you a break?" She smiles at me her usual coy, flirty smile.

I take a deep breath, and slouch back in my chair, throwing the pencil on the table in front of me.

"How do you want it Miss Rainford?"I ask bemused and aroused at the vision of her nipples hardening under her nightgown.

"Right where you're sitting."She says with a hint of mischief in her voice.

Walking over to me, she carefully takes my plans up and places them in the chair for guests in front of the table.My brows raise, curious of what exactly her plan was.It was obvious enough she wanted me to fuck her senseless on this table, but I'm worried about if she's prepared for what she's asking for.She sits on the table, right in front of me, and widens her legs, each at either corner of the table.

All in my vision right now was clean shaven pussy, I start to salivate.
She knows my weakness.I'll make sure to get mine, because a good, fat, juicy pussy in my mouth does something to me.But she'll get hers, she'll definitely be left limping.

I grab her thighs and pull her down to the edge of the table.She moans in satisfaction, anticipating the things my tongue will do to her.Familiar memories making her wet, I can see it. Yes baby, remember who your man is and the things ammo do to you.
Trailing soft, wet kisses along her inner thighs, I look up to see her head Flicked back and her bottom lip caught under her top teeth. Already?and daddy's tongue isn't at its destination yet?


Sheree should know she can't win.

When I notice she is lost in my soft kisses and bites along her inner thigh, I take it a bit lower, licking that space in between her pussy and her leg, sticking my tongue gently in her groin. She is shaking, dying of anticipation.

"Tell me you want my tongue."I muffle, breathing warm breath on her opening.She shivers in response.

"Is that a yes?"I ask toying with her emotions. We both know it's a trick question. Her spreading out on my table is answer enough.Reaching around her ass, I grip both cheeks, her plump, round ass in my palms sends signals to my dick, it was pulsing hard!

Without another thought I pull her to to face by her ass and stick my tongue deep inside of her.

She gasps as pure pleasure engulfed her whole body. Her breathing quickens as I maneuver my tongue inside her, then I pull it out out, then in again.Fucking her with it. Reaching up, I grab on her breast with, flicking my thumb on her nipple.Her clit now being held captive by my tongue and lips, she stands no chance.Her fingers claw into my head, holding on for the last bit of sanity  she has left. One minute she's shoving me off to no avail, and the other she's sinking my head deeper.

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