Part 19: Past

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"Do you wanna find out if we are having a baby or not?" He asks impatiently.

I pick at my food, lost in thought. Crippling, troubling thought. I can't be pregnant. I was on the pill... Yeah, but you missed one. Yes, but I doubled up, I fucking doubled up! I'm not ready, I'm not ready, this isn't real. This is not real.

"Aurora?" Jah calls to me, and I look up, my eyes widen with shock.

"Huh?" I say, sounding lost. I am, lost.

He looks at me and takes a sip of his wine. Putting the glass back down, he smiles at me.

"Do you want to go check baby?" He asks again, "We can go to the doctor today if you'd like, I can make it happen."

He looks at me, an eerie, annoyed look in his eye that made me feel confused about how to answer.

"No, no, I want to," I answer with a coy smile.

"Good, because I am excited to know, "He smiles, "Having my first child, especially with you would be amazing." He takes my hand and kisses it, and I offer up my best smile.

We continue to eat our meals in silence, though my own thought won't give me a break.

I hope I'm not pregnant. I am not ready for a kid...and to make matters even worse, Elijah is...different. I don't know what it is.. but something is different. In the year I've known him and the eight months we've been together, I haven't seen this side of him. Strange behaviours. Sure he's still Elijah, sweet, sarcastic, charming, overwhelming, try-hard who gets on my last nerve. But I can't help but think there is more to him than meets the eye. He leaves for hours sometimes days for business meetings and of course, his job does demand that he be available for appointments, but... I don't know, this is my first relationship in years and I just feel like I'm fucking it up with all this overthinking... he is a good man Aurora. He has proven that.

"Eat up beautiful," He smiles, "You have a big day ahead of you."

Huh? Oh, yeah... I have to go to work. All that time in España made me forget the fact that Jamesridge, Florida existed, much less the fact that I have a business. I wanna go back...

"I'm sure your employees miss their...uhhh,nice, boss." He chuckles, and I roll my eyes and try to hold back a smile.

We all know I'm the maleficent of that place... but I intend to change that. Sebastian made me see that I needed to. Suddenly my mind floods with warm thoughts of my best friend and my heart ached to see him...and my Gabe.

"Surely my best friend and Grandma are missing me very much too, we've been gone months." I sigh. "I need to find a way to squeeze seeing them into today."

I watch as Elijah puts another fork of rice and chicken into his mouth and raises his eyebrows and shoulders.

"I'm sure they do miss you."

I look at him, curiosity ringing in my eyes, and he meets my gaze and lets out a deep sigh.

"It's nothing," He says offering a smile.

Nothing? That didnt seem like nothing... that look was something.
I decide not to further the conversation. Getting up, I walk over to him, and his curious eyes meet mine, as I shove away his food and sit in front of him on the table, my legs on both his knees. He smirks up at me and I bite my bottom lip.

"Time for dessert," I say lifting my dress up slightly, exposing my thighs, inch by inch. His hungry eyes, filled with fiery lust, watched as I reveal that I am not wearing any panties. His eyes widen with shock and delight.

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