Dare To All Creepypastas

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Ticci-Toby: Hoodeh! HEADS UP!

*Toby pelts the camera at Hoodie and it smacks Hoodie straight in the face. The camera goes black.*

*Cracking sounds and the screen is back up, facing Jane.*

Jane: I'm taking over again since Toby is a damn fool. -_-

Toby: I didn't mean to hit him in the head!!

Jane: Well the deed is done, hope you learned your lesson. Anyways, I'm going on with the next dare; it's from _Darkside_S—

Human Smile: *jumping in front the camera* _Darkside_Skeleton_!! :D

Jane: Yea....thanks Smile... /;

Jane: Anyways, Darkside has a dare for all of us. He wants to ehh....watch a video about Toby? Called "Ticci-Toby stalking me? Creepypasta exists!".

watch a video about Toby? Called "Ticci-Toby stalking me? Creepypasta exists!"

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Toby: First of all, duh we exist XD And was I really stalking someone?

Jane: Dunno, let's just watch the video.

*Jane takes the camera as she sits on the couch and everyone else gathers around or sits on the couch too. They pull up the video on the big TV.*


*Everyone glares at Toby.*

Toby: ......What? I swear I don't remember that place or ever even seeing that girl.

Eyeless Jack: You sure? Because you forget a lot of things.

Toby: That's not true. And I'm not lying. I honestly remember making waffles on that day...

BEN: You make waffles everyday....


Jane: *sighing* If you say so Toby. I believe you.

Clockwork: Awww it's okay Tobyyy~ *she ruffles his hair*

Jeff: So why the hell was that kid pretending she saw Toby?

BEN: Fangirl.

Jeff: Probably.

Human Smile: That blood looked fake, too.

Toby: And that wasn't my hatchet; why would I leave my hatchet lying around?

Jane: I mean, it sounds like something you would do.

Toby: I don't.

Jane: Well, if you say so. We'll just make it clear; Toby was no way involved in that situation.

Toby: Or was I? ;)

Everyone: Toby!!

Clockwork: Tell the truth, were you there?

Toby: Ok fine, I'll tell the REAL truth. I—

*Camera battery runs out.*

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