Dare To LJ, BEN Drowned, Jeff TK, Jane TK, Homicidal Liu, Nina TK, CW, & EJ

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*Laughing Jack, BEN Drowned, Jeff The Killer, Jane Everlasting, Homicidal Liu, Nina The Killer, Clockwork, and Eyeless Jack enter a locked room with one table that holds 8 glasses of orange juice. The dare from @depressed_angels_cp says they all have to drink a glass, but one is laced with laxative. Which one has the laxative....? Is unknown....*

*Each of the pastas take a glass.*

Jeff: Good luck, bitches. *he drinks from his first*

BEN: Is it bad that I'm kinda scared....

Clockwork: May as well get it over with and hope you're not the 'lucky one' *she drinks hers*

Eyeless Jack: Me an you Jack, at the same time. Ready?

*LJ nods and both he and EJ drink at the same time.*

Homicidal Liu: It's mine isn't it? I have all the bad luck... 😓 *he drinks his*

*Jane and Nina drink theirs, and then lastly BEN.*

Clockwork: Well.....

BEN: *crossing his fingers* please don't be me, please don't be me...

Liu: It's gonna be me huh...

Jeff: It sure as fuck ain't me.

Jane: Don't be so sure of yourself freak-smile...

Laughing Jack: I hope it's not me.

Eyeless Jack: I know it's not me.😒

~time skip~

Eyeless Jack: FUCKK ITS ME!!!!!!! *he blasts out the door in a panic*


*Eyeless Jack runs all over the mansion*


*He grabs Kagekao's scarf and runs for the bathroom.*

Kagekao: NYAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! D8<

*Kagekao screams and storms after Eyeless Jack to the bathroom. Loud screaming can be heard.*

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