Dare To Jeff The Killer

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Hoodie: Aww Jeff, you're gonna hate this one...

Jeff: Goddammit what is it...

Hoodie: *sniggering* Heh.....HannahDelMonte8 dares you to kiss Nina.

Jeff: *tilting his head* What was that?

Nina: *eyes widening* REALLY!?!???!??

Hoodie: you've gotta kiss Nina.

Jeff: *scratching his head* Heh, you're kidding, right?

Nina: Ohmygosh he's not kidding! My darling Jeff has to kiss me! :D

Jeff: No.......NO.....

Eyeless Jack: Eh, poor Jeff.

*Nina hops over to Jeff's side and sits beside him, smiling dumbly.*

Nina: Go on ahead Jeffy, I'm ready when you are~

Jeff: I'm not doing it.

Hoodie: Just make it quick.

Jeff: No.

Jane: You wanna ruin this for everyone Jeff? Then do it!

Glitchy Red: Jeff x Nina! Jeff x Nina! Hahahahaha...


Nina: Come on Prince, I can't wait all day....

Jeff: Well too bad, you'll have to wait for eternity.

Everyone: JEFF COME ON!!

Jeff: NO!

Ticci-Toby: No? Are you sure!

Jeff: What do you think?!

Ticci-Toby: I think not! *he jumps over at Jeff and pushes him straight into Nina, making them kiss. Nina blushes and tightly wraps her arms around Jeff so he can't escape.*

Jeff: *mumbling* N-nia—!!!g-get—-staph—!!

Nina: Stop talking Jeff~ *She kisses him again*

Jane: I'm videotaping this!

Hoodie: This is being recorded and others are seeing this XD

Jeff: *screaming* N—NINA!!!

*Jeff finally pulls himself away from Nina and he turns around, punching Toby violently in the face. He then scrambles off the couch, panting. Nina is frozen in a daze, a sheepish grin on her cut face.*

Ticci-Toby: *His nose bleeding from the punch* Hahah, you went through with it didn't you?


*Jeff jumps up and runs after Toby with his knife, threatening to stab him.*

Hoodie: Welp, that's that. Now we have Nina sitting there like a dumb potato. And she's probably going to be like that for a while.

Eyeless Jack: Honestly, who cares. The less out of her, the better.

*Everyone agrees with this.*

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