Dare: Everyone React

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VM: Okay, the next dare, from CreepyMiraculous123 is for everyone to react to another video.

Masky: Am I in it....?

VM: Nope! Just watch :)

Everyone: W..T.....F....

Jeff: ...........LOL!

*Everyone watches Jeff as he begins laughing his head off*

VM: I am disturbed to know Jeff now......

Jane: I feel sick...

Slenderman: *sighing* I would appreciate it if the outsiders would stop making a fool out of me and my killers...

Jeff: Why? They make us hilarious as hell! XD

Toby: Jeff I dare you to sing it for real!

Jeff: *Jumping on the couch* HERE I GO!

Everyone: NO!!

*VM quickly turns off the camera as Jeff starts singing.*

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