Dare To All Creepypastas

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VM: _Darkside_Skeleton_ dares us to read this random book; whoever finishes it first gets a prize...

Lazari: What prize?

VM: *shrugging* Dunno, but you'll have to read and finish it to get it.

*Everyone gets the book, as it magically appears out of no where.*

BEN: I don't wanna read this! Reading is for...boring people!

Jane: Didn't you use to like to read?


Eyeless Jack: *scratching his head* Slender, I'm gonna need your sight for this...

*Slenderman sighs as he sits up in his chair and points a finger at Eyeless Jack. Slowly, vision of his surroundings begin to appear in EJ's head.*

Eyeless Jack: *looking down at the book* Thanks.

*A few of the Creepypastas have started reading including Jane and EJ and Puppeteer, some however glares at the book in disgust.*

BEN: I swear I'm not reading this.

Ticci-Toby: I want to but it's soooooo hard to open the cover......

*Hoodie swipes Toby's book open.*

Hoodie: There -_-

Toby: Naooooooooo! D:

Masky: Could you shut up? I'm trying to read!

Judge Angels: It's actually pretty interesting..

Neliotis : Yeah, I like it!

Lazari: What's the prize? D:

Clockwork: No one knows, that's why you've got to read the book.

Lazari: awwwwwrrrrrrr ):< *she looks irritatedly at the story.*

~minutes later~

Kagekao: I'M BOREDD!!! No ones said anything for the past 30 minutes!!

Toby: That's because they're reading, Kage-crap.

Kagekao: Boooooooooring.

Jane: Jokes on you losers, I'm almost done.

Jason: So am I!

Judge Angels: You won't finish before me!

BEN: but I'm still on page 2 -.-

Puppeteer: BEN...That's Page 1....the one before that was the chapter names...

BEN: ....Dammit.

???: DONE!!

*Everyone looks up in alarm and all over the place to see who had finished first.*

Clockwork: Wh-what? But how??

Hoodie: Well that's ironic.

Eyeless Jack: How's that ironic? I was using Slender sight!

Jane: Well you definitely didn't put it to waste; congrats on finishing first, Jack.

Eyeless Jack: Thanks, I guess.

Lazari: Eyeless Jack finished? I'm actually very okay with that...what's the prize?

VM: I don't know, what is it, Darkside?

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