Dare To Jane Everlasting (The Killer)

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Slenderman: *at lunamoon7002* No, there is nothing you could do but sit there and be quiet. Don't irk me any further.

Masky: Shall I move on to the next request, sir?

Slenderman: Go ahead.

Masky: KillerSiren123 dares Jane to stab Jeff. Oh, and speaking of Jeff, here he comes now, back from Nurse Ann's room.

Jeff: *walking back into the room holding up both middle fingers* I'M BACK, MOTHERFUCKERS!

*Jane quickly grabs Clockwork's knife and runs at Jeff. She stabs him in the chest before he could make a move and she begins laughing like a maniac.*

Jeff: ...............You......did not just fucking do that.... *Jeff falls down in shock, clutching the wound as he bleeds*

Nurse Ann: *pulling her hair* I JUST FINISHED HEALING HIM GODDAMMIT!!!! *she furiously drags Jeff away and Jane smirks.*

Jane: That's the best dare I've gotten this whole time. (╹◡╹)

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