Eyeless Jack's Prize

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VM: Okay EJ. Your prize for being the first to complete _Darkside_Skeleton_ 's dare is you get to pick someone to be your servant for three turns.

Lazari: That's it? -.-

Eyeless Jack: Fine by me. Hmmm....

*He looks around the room.*

Lazari: Pick me, pick me!

Eyeless Jack: Hmmm....oh wait! I know exactly who I'd like to serve me.

*Eyeless Jack turns and points at Ticci-Toby.*

Eyeless Jack: Get over here, twitchy-boy.

Toby: Jack NO!

Eyeless Jack: You're gonna be my servant...so what do I want you to do for me first? Hmm....remember how you made everyone get you waffles? Well this time, why don't you make yourself useful and get me some kidneys from my storage?

Toby: *Gagging* Oh God Jack, don't make me do this man I'm sorry about the whole servant thing before..

Eyeless Jack: I get it I get it. But you still gotta get me some of them kidneys :)

Toby: Jack—

Eyeless Jack: Don't go against the 'dare' Toby...

Toby: .......Fine....

*Toby twitches more violently as he hurries to get the kidneys for Eyeless Jack.*

Eyeless Jack: I'm really gonna enjoy these next 3 turns.

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