Dare To Laughing Jack

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VM: BEFORE WE CONTINUE......We have a new member to the mansion! Let's welcome Luna(lunamoon7002 )!!!

*Luna walks up and waves to everyone.*

BEN: ....The same girl that fucked around with our genders -_-

Slenderman: .....

Luna: I did apologize! :|

Sally: ...I forgive you! *she walks up to Luna and takes her hand, shaking it* Welcome to the mansion :3

Ticci-Toby: Luna! Make Masky a girl 030

Masky: NO!

Luna: Heh heh...we'll see...

VM: *turning to Laughing Jack* Ok, now for the dare. LJ, you've gotta wear something for NovatheFox0001 's dare...you're not gonna like this.

Laughing Jack: What is it?

VM: I'm sorry Jack... *pushes LJ to his room and gives him what he has to wear*

Laughing Jack: Nononoonoono!! Never!!

VM: Just for the dare and then you get to take it off, okay?

Laughing Jack: This is humiliating!

VM: I promise I won't look at you.

Laughing Jack: ................*heavy sigh* Fine.

*He closes the door*


*Laughing Jack comes back to the living room wearing this—*

*Laughing Jack comes back to the living room wearing this—*

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Everyone: . . . . . . . .

*Laughing Jack flips off everyone* -_-

*Everyone(Except Slender & VM). begins laughing like a bunch of maniacs.*

Ticci-Toby: You look so 'fabulous' like Trender would say! XD

Trenderman: HE TRULY DOES!!! <3

Jeff: Naw he looks like a real fucking clown now XD

Candy Pop: HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Laughing CRAP!

Laughing Jack: ):<

Sally: That's such a pretty dress! It makes him look less creepy!! :0

Slenderman: Laughing Jack, you look hideous!

Laughing Jack: Oh really? I didn't notice -_-

Masky: It's hard to detest him when he's wearing that. Now he just looks stupid.

VM: Can we stop making fun of him now...

*Trendeman bounces over to LJ*

Trenderman: Now if we could do something about the hair and your posture, you would look absolutely lovely!

Laughing Jack: I didn't want to wear this, you know...I'm taking it off.

Trenderman: Nonsense! We have to see how we can make you look...shiny! *he pushes LJ to his room*

Laughing Jack: NOOOOOO!!!! SLENDER! VM!! HELP ME!!!

*Trenderman and Laughing Jack are gone before they can do anything.*

VM: ...

Slenderman: Oh well.

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