Dare: Creepypasta Reaction

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Eyeless Jack: It's better to embarrass one person than it is all of us, so let's watch "Tim Opens Another Present."

Darkside(_Darkside_Skeleton_): Ok.

Masky: *freezing* Oh shit no.

BEN: Oh shit yes! *he turns on the TV*

Masky: Can we watch the other o-

*Ticci-Toby slaps his hand over Masky's mouth.*

Toby: Watch the video, Tim. *^*

*Toby forces Masky to look at the screen.*

*Everyone stares at the screen with a "What the Fuck" face.*

Toby: *looking down at Masky* ._.

Masky: .....I live a miserable life...*he slides off the chair.*

Toby: Let's....just say...he forgot to take pills that day...

Eyeless Jack: I kinda glad I didn't see that, the audio was terrible enough.

Zero: I should've bleached my eyes more.

BEN: What kind of absolute crap-

*Sally can't breathe from laughing so much*

Slenderman: I don't recall this happening...and why was Alex there?

Masky: *on the floor* I don't know boss...I don't know...

Toby: At least you're lucky Hoodie didn't have to see it.

~meanwhile in Nurse Ann's room~

*Ann gave Hoodie the video to watch for the dare.*

*Hoodie watches the video.*

*Teh video finishes.*

Hoodie: ಠ___ಠ . . . . . . .

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