Question For All Creepypastas

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Kagekao: Konnichiha! Boku wa Kagekao! Guess what? I'm taking over minnasan! Kekekekekekeke!!

Slenderman: And if you don't do the job right I'll take that camera, whack it over your idiot head, and give to someone else!

Kagekao: Ok Ok calm down! ):< Sheesh! Anyways, Creepyblackwolf -san wants to know what we would do if we could rule the world!! Well first, Kage-san would demand everyone bring me crates full of wine. And i'd force them to entertain me! Kekekekeke!

Jeff: I'd make everyone in the world give up their weapons to me and then force them all to serve me. And everyone in my legion has to cut a smile like mine otherwise I'll kill them myself.

Eyeless Jack: I'd just take everyone's kidneys.

BEN: If I ruled the world, I'd get every single gaming console and all the games on the planet, then challenge everyone and if they loose, they have to do whatever I want. I'd also probably take over this mansion! Oh, and also I'd get rid of books. -_-

Slenderman: In your dreams, BEN. I don't see any use in ruling the world, for it would just ruin my purpose of having proxies and killers take out my orders to kill and etc.

Sally: If I ruled, me and Charlie would have really nice royal clothes and everyone would treat us like royalty. And everyone would have to have tea parties with me whenever I Say or else...*her green eyes go red* They'll die...

*Jeff gulps*

Puppeteer: I would make everyone become my friend...I'd never be lonely.

Zero: So you're lonely around us, Pup?

Puppeteer: No, but it wouldn't hurt to have more friends now would it?

Zero: Tch, if I ruled the world, I'd be everyones queen and they'd have to bow to me!

Grinny: I rather bow to a brick...anyways, if I rules, I'd call for the massacre of all dumb dogs.

Smile: And I'd drown all stupid cats!

Slenderman: Don't start.

Splendorman: Hey Hey! If I ruled the world, I'd make sure everyone was being nice to each other and that there would be no more killing or people getting hurt!

*Slenderman facepalms.*

Offenderman: If I ruled the world, I'd have all women do whatever I want...and you all know what I want~

*Everyone gags*

Trenderman: If I ruled, everyone would be wearing the most trendiest, most stylish clothes in the world!

Splendorman: Hooray!

Bloody Painter: I'd paint the whole world in blood! Just because I can.

Homicidal Liu: I'd make the world a better place....

Jane: Me too, and I'd also have everyone on Jeff's ass..

Jeff: But you're the only one that wants it 😏


*Jane begins chasing Jeff around the house while Jeff laughs like a maniac*

Judge Angels: If I ruled the world, I'd be the world judge and I would have the innocent serve me and the guilty die a horrible death by my sword!

Laughing Jack: If I ruled, I'd turn the whole world into a circus.

Candy Pop: Isn't it already enough that you have one? >:(

Laughing Jack: The bigger the better~


Laughing Jack: But only in your hopes and dreams😏

Ticci-Toby: If I ruled the world....I'd force the people to find a way to bring my sister Lyra back...

BEN: Woah really Toby? I expected it to be something with waffles to be honest.

Toby: Oh yeah, and the waffles, ima require LOTS of those.

Clockwork: If I ruled the world, I'd force everyone to serve waffles to Toby <3

Toby: Awee I love you Clockwork! T-T *He hugs her and she smirks widely*

Hoodie: I don't know what I would do if I ruled the world, honestly.

Masky: Me neither...Maybe I'd just get people like Toby to stop bugging me -_-

Slenderman: That I would do too.

Nina: I'd make a clone of Jeff and all the Jeff's would love me!!!

Jeff: You're a sick little creep, Nina.

Nina: no, that's just how much I love you my Prince :)

Neliotis: If I ruled the world, I would make everyone make me the best cello player so I don't have to sound that bad when I play it ._.

VMtoby: *bursting back into the mansion, still on fire* I would make everyone revert back to the medieval way of life!!!!!

Kagekao: Wheeeeeee but mine was better than all of yours 😋

Nina: No it wasn't!

Kagekao: Yours was no better Nina-chan!

Slenderman: No arguing Kagekao or the camera goes!

Kagekao: Fine fine I'll stop it Slende-sama...

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