Question: Offender, Can I Punch You In The 'Face'?

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*Hoodie reads the request to Slenderman.*

Slenderman: That's a big risk she's taking, but someone ought to do it.

*Hoodie nods and Slenderman disappears.*

VM: What is it, Hoodie?

Hoodie: You'll see.


*Slenderman returns to the mansion with NovatheFox0001 in his grasp. He sets her down and she waves.*

Smile Dog: *barking* Hello, outsider! :D

NovatheFox: Hi Smile. :)

Slenderman: You may proceed with your request, child

NovatheFox: With pleasure... ):<

*She waltzes straight up to Offenderman*

Offenderman: Oh...? Who do we have here~?

NovatheFox: Hello, Offenderman. There's something I've got to tell you.

Offenderman: Is there? I'm excited to hear...shall we go somewhere private?

NovatheFox: Nope, we'll stay right here. Just lower your head...

Offenderman: Of corse...I think I see where this is going, if I'm right... *he smirks and lowers his head*

NovatheFox: Mhm, just like that.

*Nova suddenly pulls back her arm and then smashes her fist violently into Offenderman's 'face'*

Offenderman: AHHHGHH!!! *He stumbles back, covering his face in pain* YOU LITTLE SHIT!

*Nova laughs and runs back to Slenderman for safety. The other Creepypastas stare in satisfaction at Offenderman's well deserved suffering.*

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