Dare To Sally Williams (Tea Party Time!)

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Sally: Oh yes, yay!!!! :D

VM: NovatheFox0001 wants you to have a tea party with her!

*Sally jumps up and down* Yes yes yes yes!! I'll get my supplies! *she runs to her room*

Splendorman: Can I join? :0

VM: I'm pretty sure she'd love that.

Splendorman: In that case, leave the retrieving of the outsider to me, Slenderbrother!

*Splendorman disappears before Slenderman could reply. Sally quickly comes back from her room with the tea party stuff and she begins setting up the table.*

Sally: Ok, so it will be me, Nova, and Splendor....Jeffy, would you like to join us to?


Sally: Okay :3

*She finishes setting up the table and takes her seat in one of the chairs.*


*Splendorman returns to the mansion with Nova.*

Splendorman: I got herrrr!!!

NovatheFox: *waving* Hi everyone, hi Sally!

Sally: Yay you're here! I set everything up already, so let's start on the tea party!

NovatheFox: Okay Let's....well...we can once Splendor puts me down....

Splendorman: *squealing* It's just that outsiders are so cute I can't help it!

Slenderman: *facepalming* Put the child down, Splendor!

*Splendorman slowly puts down Nova* ._.

NovatheFox: *walking over to the table with Sally* Okay, let's begin. *she sits down*

*splendorman sits down in his chair*

Sally: We need the tea, will someone get the tea? And the cookies?

Pinkamena: How about cupcakes instead????????

Sally: Um....no thanks, not after last time ^^'

Zero: I'll get you guys the cookies.

Jane: I'll get your tea *she and Zero head for the kitchen.*

*Toby slides over to the table and snickers as he looks gleefully from Sally to Nova to Splendorman*

Toby: *whispering* Say, you guys want me to add some waffles for you?

Sally: it's a tea party, not a waffle party, Ticci-Toby.

Toby: Yet you guys want cookies.

Nova: Cookies are delicious._.

Toby: So are waffles :V

Clockwork: Toby babe, leave them alone /:

Toby: .....Fineeeee.....*he secretly sneaks a waffle on each of their plates before leaving*

*Sally facepalms*

Jane: Okay! I've got the tea! *she comes back from the kitchen with Zero and gives them their tea. Zero puts the cookies on the center plate.*

Sally: Now the party can officially begin!

Splendorman: Hooray! :D

Nova: Alright! :3

*Sally, Nova, and Splendorman sit there eating cookies and drinking tea and talking, enjoying their tea part together.*

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