Question For Everyone

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Luna(lunamoon7002): Okay, I have a question for you guys! What do you think will happen if I'm either depressed or angry?
1. I will start crying and laughing in a corner, cutting myself.
2. I will almost attack someone while being corrupted.
3. I will become a fallen angel.

Jeff: What kind of stupid question was that?

*Jane smacks Jeff* -_-

Sally: Umm.... I think number 3....I promise I won't make you mad. >~<

BEN: Number look like a crybaby.

Jane: Number 1 but...Why would you cut yourself?

Masky: Um.... 1?

Laughing Jack: 2?

Jeff: Probably 1 -_-

Ticci-Toby: 2

Homicidal Liu: I believe 2 would happen..

Puppeteer: 3?

Judge Angels: 3 would be amazing!

Hoodie: It's probably 1..

Clockwork: Can I pass?

Luna: Just 1 2 or 3, Clockwork!

Clockwork: Fine....2

Bloody Painter: 1

Eyeless Jack: *weakly* 1....

Kagekao: I'm not answering ):<

Slenderman: I already know the answer.... *he turns to Luna and nods*

Luna:'re all wrong! The answer is
aLl tHrEe.....

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