Dare To Sonic Exe.: ART COMPETITION!

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ECHO(Strawberry-Cindy): That's right, an art competition. I dare Sonic exe. to go against me in this one. *she then tilts her head* wouldn't it be funny if the one who calls himself a "God" got beaten by the ghost of a 12-year old female-glitch?

Sonic exe: There's nothing funny about it because I won't lose. Your challenge is mockery, I could beat you in drawing with my eyes closed.

ECHO: Let's see about that shall we?

Bloody Painter: Allow me to help you with the setup!


*ECHO and EXE stand on opposite sides of each other, each with an easel in front of them. They both have pencils in their hands, ready to begin, and other art supplies at their reach.*

ECHO: The competition begins in 3...2....1.......GO!

*ECHO and Sonic exe. begin the drawing competition, and the other Creepypastas cheer them on. Except, no one was really cheering for EXE....*


Sonic exe: DONE!

ECHO: It's only been two minutes!

Sonic exe: I'm fast, and I'm a god. It's not my problem that you're too slow!

*Everyone looks at Sonic exe's drawing.*

BEN: What the fuck? That's not a drawing, all you wrote was "I Am God".

Sonic exe.: It's a masterpiece.

Clockwork: You idiot, you're supposed to make art, not write three pointless words.

ECHO: Okay, I think I'm done.

*Everyone looks to ECHO's art*

Sally: Woahhah that's amazing! :D

BEN: I think we have a winner!

Clockwork: This is art, not lame-o Sonic's crap over there.

Sonic exe: I'd watch your mouth if I were you. . . .

Bloody Painter: ECHO wins the art competition, good job!

ECHO: Thank you! And....it seems the 'god' lost to a kid.

Sonic exe: FUCK IT! I never liked drawing anyways! *he knocks down both of their easels and storms off*

Everyone: .... |:

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