Question For All Creepypastas

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Kagekao: crystal_the_princess -chan wants to know what's everyone's favorite pets!

Sally: Ooh ooh I like that question! My favorite pets are dogs, like Smile!

Smile Dog: *panting happily* Me too!

*Grinny Cat hisses in annoyance.*

Jane: Hey there Grinny, don't worry. I actually prefer cats over dogs, no offense to Smile.

Smile: Heh...none taken...*whimper*

Kagekao: Boku ha neko daisuke desu!

Slenderman: Use your English Kagekao!

Kagekao: cats! I like cats a lot.

Zero: Me too.

Smile Dog: I'm hurting! ):

Eyeless Jack: *gently petting Smile's head* I'd take a dog over a cat any day, bud.

Hoodie: Same.

Masky: I guess I favor both dogs and cats.


Laughing Jack: I don't get the big deal, they're just pets.

*Everyone glares at him*

LJ: What?

Clockwork: Well, my favorite is dogs, they're so friendly and adorable.

Lazari: I think so too!

Nina: Nope, cats are better. I love those *she pets Grinny*

Jason: Everyone is saying they favor cats and dogs but here I am thinking that mice are the best.

Puppeteer: Is it weird that I favorite snakes?

Bloody Painter: No, I like snakes too Pup!

Puppeteer: That's great :)

Candy Pop: Every animal is my favorite pet!

Judge Angels: I'm more of a dog person.

Nurse Ann: Well cats are my favorite.

BEN: Hmmm....dogs. I HATE cats.


Liu: I favor both dogs and cats.

Kagekao: Jeffu-kun? What's your favorite pet?

Jeff: Dogs, duhh.

Smile Dog: I think most people said their favorite is dogs, so I'm more loved!

Grunny Cat: In your dreams, Smile Dope!!

Smile Dog: *barking* fight me!

*Slenderman grabs Grinny just as he was about to jump at Smile Dog, his claws unsheathed*

Slenderman: You two really need to learn to get along. You're both giving me a headache.

Smile Dog: Slender! Which is your favorite pet?

Slenderman: I don't have a favorite pet.

Smile Dog: .....Oh.

Slenderman: Now Kagekao! Turn that camera off!

Kagekao: Yes ma'am! *He turns the camera off and screen is black*

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