Dare To Sonic exe.

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Sonicrider221: Hey EXE! I dare you to beat me in a badnik beatdown competition!

Sonic exe.: You dare me to? You should expect me to. I am GOD. I will beat you.

BEN: *muttering* Why is Exe always such a jerk...

Sonicrider221: -_- Let's just go.


*They appear on a Sonic Zone level.*

Sonic exe.: Tch, basic. I could finish and sweep all the badniks in less than a second!

Sonicrider221: Enough talk, let's ru—

*Sonic exe. takes off down the map, flattening badniks as he runs by.*

Sonicrider221: I DIDN'T SAY GO!!!! *he begins speeding after him and smashing badniks.*


Sonic exe.: What took ya so long, bastard? I've been waiting here forever. Can't compete with a god? I admit I am unbeatable.

Sonicrider221: Chill out, it's just a small competition, no need to act all high and mighty about it.

Sonic exe.: Well I jammed the most badniks so...that proves I am better.

Sonicrider221: -_-

(More replies tomorrow. (: )

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