Dare To Masky & Ticci-Toby

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VM: *looking to Masky on the couch* Don't relax yet Tim, hellgirl76 dares you and Toby to switch clothes for three asks/dares!

Masky: Oh hell no...

Ticci-Toby: Well then Tim, I don't know about you but I always wondered what it would be like wearing your clothes.

Masky: The last person I want sweating and running around in my clothes is Toby.

VM: Come on, just for three turns, that's all...

Masky: ....

VM: Do it Tim! *VM runs over and begins poking Masky* Do it!

*Toby snickers and join in poking Masky*

Toby: Switch with meeeeh....

Masky: Stop poking me and I'll do it. -__-

*They both stop and grin at him and he sighs heavily.*

Masky: Let's just get this over with. Toby, you change out of those first and then I'll give you mine. After you have mine I'll wear yours.

Toby: Let's go~

*He skips off upstairs and Masky slowly follows*

~time skip~☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

*Masky and Ticci-Toby return downstairs to the living room. They are now wearing each others' attire.*

VM: That's weird, Masky wearing Toby's clothes with Hoodie's mask/veil thingy XD

Masky: Whatever.

Toby: Mmmmm Tim's clothes are so comfy...

Masky: Don't get too comfortable in those, ima need them back in three turns.

Toby: Hmmm...we'll see.. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Masky: Toby.....

Clockwork: Toby looks so cute in your clothes, Masky.

Masky: Yeah, He could look cute as hell as long as he doesn't go and mess them up.

Toby: I won't man, chill. I'll just have a seat so you won't freak out *Toby sits down and Masky glares at him through Hoodie's veil*

Masky: I'm watching you.. -_-

Toby: I know you are ;)

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