Uhhh some explaining plz!?

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Oh my god, she perfect........

"Jack!" She calls snapping me out of my thoughts. We are walking home after school was cancelled for the day because of Pitch. Well I'm walking her home, I have no idea where she lives.

"Elsa, you have some explaining to do" I say laughing a little.

"About what exactly?" she says.

"Umm the fact you can control Ice and snow!"

"I should be asking you the same thing Mr.Frost!"

"Ok ok, I apparently died at the age of 16, I woke up to find a moon was talking to me, I discovered my powers and thus, I am here three hundred years later."

"300!?!? "

"Relax, I'm still only 16 , I can't age, I'm immortal. Now your story."

"Uhh, well.........

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