Sleep over!

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Me and Elsa watch a an old movie like one from a couple years. We watched three movies called Alvin and the Chipmunks? (Lol had to, couldn't think of a movie and was going through movies to donate. )

After awhile we started getting tired and head back to her room where the others were sleeping.

She sat on her bed redoing her braid, while I gazed over our friends on air mattress, it could only hold three.

She must have caught me looking.

"You know, you can sleep on my bed tonight with me." she said trying to push her bangs back.

"A-are you sure? It-its just t-that I-I ........."she cut me off.

"Jack, your a sweet caring guy, I trust you. Now come on, you look like your about to pass out." she said while walking to the bathroom.

"Go-ahead, lie down I just need to change."

"Okay." I said sitting on the left side of the bed. I started creating snowflakes that twirled around my hand and fingers for awhile until Elsa came out.

She came out wearing light blue shorts, light blue tank top and a dark blue shirt like my hoodie that slid off her shoulder. In other words drop dead gorgeous. Gawsh.....

"N-Nice o-outfit......".I said stuttering my words, remind me to slap myself later.

"T-thanks Jack." she said stuttering her words, did I just make the great Elsa stutter?

"Ermmmmm Jack, Hiccup reminded me to tell you that you need pajama pants?" she says playing with her shirt.

"Ugh, dang it Hicc. I didn't bring any." I say dramatically falling on the bed.

Elsa begins to giggle and I smirk at her.

"What?" I say smiling.

"Here stand up." she says taking my hand and leading me upwards.

"Why?" I ask scared.

"Just close your eyes." I do as I'm told while she does whatever she's doing.

"Okay! Open them!" She says excited.

I open my eyes and follow her excited gaze. I have pajama pants on that fit perfectly and are really soft and cold.

"Where did you get these?" I ask noticing the small frost designs.

She plays with her hair that's been turning the same color as mine these past few days.

"Uhh, I just made them?" she says nervously.

"You can make clothes out of snow and ice too!?" I say astonished.

"Uhh, yeah? You didn't know you could?"

"Uhh No, I wish I did! Thanks Elsa." I say hugging her tightly.

"Anything for you Jack.".she says hugging back.


Jack always felt like hugging Elsa and protecting her, he felt like those years of isolation and solitude were gone whenever she was around. Her giggles and laughs contained excitement that Jack felt proud of whenever he was the reason why she was laughing.

Jack savored every moment with her, always afraid of it being their last.
Sure Jack worries about Pitch all the time, and was personally terrified whenever he was around but he felt everything being lifted off his shoulders when Elsa was there beside him, whenever she hugged him, spoke, playfully messed around with, he felt like he accomplished something, keeping her safe and in his arms.

All he wanted at this moment was to be her Guardian, to love and protect her for what comes. And right now, even though they were just pants, she made them, for him. She offered her other side of the bed for him, admitted feelings, and described him in ways he only dreamed of. And he believes he can never thank her enough when all she needed in return was his love.

Elsa wanted to remember every moment, of every second with this boy who managed to break her walls and steal her heart. She loved how even though he liked her, they both waited till the time was right. She loved his appearance, his personality, his words, gestures. She loved how he stutters when he's nervous around her, or how he ran his hand through his snowy white soft hair. She had a habit of doing the same, trying to throw her bangs back or blow them upwards.

She realized that even after this time, even if she didn't need a man before back in Arendell, she was alone for years, wasn't good with people, Jack Frost managed to get to her, and make her fall for him while he did the same.

She didn't mind at this moment how both of their minds rambled on about each other, she stayed in his arms, with her head buried in his chest and his buried in the crook of her neck while he gently swayed them side to side in a slow steady rhythm.

They both just needed each other to mend too, and fix. What better way to do it then to fall in love with each other? He was hers and she was his, if only they realized it themselves.


Hey guise, should I do a narrative pov more?

Anyways Frost it up! And what did you think about this chapter?

Love ya snowflakes

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