"There's some things we regret, and some we don't." (Part 1)

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So here we are, on the side of the road, in the pouring rain. Listening to the thunder clasps and lighting strike in the distance. My shirt clings uncomfortably on my skin, my hair sticks to my forehead and the metallic taste of blood still lingers in my mouth.

Her hair's scent becomes more stronger since it's damp and her warmth is the only part left of me that's not cold. Her dress is torn and her heel is broke, not to mention the running mascara. The only thing left keeping her dignity remained in tact is my hoodie.

He's behind me, trying to get a signal to get us home, he's beaten up too. The other girls managed to get away. Probably took a cab.

I can't help but think, of all the ways for today to turn out, this was not one of them.

15 hours earlier...

I sluggishly make my way downstairs towards the front door for another day at school. Taking in the scent of tiredness and laziness radiating off me, I linger by the mailbox hoping to create a storm for a school cancelation.

No such luck.

A sigh escapes my lips when only a few clouds appear and nothing else. So the vast journey to my education, I could've done without for another 3 centuries, continues.

Ah. The feeling of being a teenager; drama, romance, sports, grades, etc. I hate it.

My hand clings to the strap and I start skipping songs on my phone, avoiding my vision up ahead. Not a good idea.

My head makes contact with a stop sign and I hear someone snort behind me.

"'Ey, Lass. 'Ow's the head?"

I rub my forehead and redden with embarrassment, "Hey, Mer."

Merida nods in acknowledgment and leans in closer as we walk.

I step aside a little confused, "What are you-"

"You didn't tell her yet, did you?" Her mood drops and with a single glance I know she's disappointed in me.

I try finding words as to why I couldn't but I just kept walking, only admitting it with a shake of my head. Her hand hit the back of my head and I winced.

"She's bound to find out sooner or later." Mer mumbles. I only nod. She was right.

"It's hard, I feel all my troubles wash away when I see her, Mer. "

"Then what did you talk about that day by the lockers after practice?"

"I, it's stupid. We talked about the play and how her new position as head cheerleader was going. I couldn't do it."

She nods and looks downwards. "I feel 'orry. "

My hands drag along my face and I sigh, "It's not you, Mer. It's us. Me and Elsa. We're the problem. "

She ruffled my hair and I turned my head slightly to force a smile, "We'll work through this. "

I nod and look forwards. "I stay up at night." She looks at me confused, "I stay up at night and wonder. I wonder if she remembers but she won't tell me. I've spent centuries alone. Sometimes I can't tell if someone is lying to me because I'm still new to this whole social thing. " I let out a pity laugh, "You think I would be able to, you know? 300 and something years and I can observe human interaction and socialization. I should be able to tell left from right but I nearly trip up myself when it comes to doing it yourself. "

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