Dreams and Wishes

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"Hey Hicc, I'm home!" I say shouting from the doorway. No response, but I see Toothless look through the window, looking bored as ever. Usually Hiccup is home but he isn't , only Toothless and I.

I rush up to a vacant room and grab the remote, I step back and aim it towards the wall to the backyard. A garage style door opens, wide enough for Toothless to fly through. And of course he does. I sit in the corner of Toothless's room with my head buried in my hoodie.

Me and Toothless can get along at some points but not everyday.

He nudges my arm gently with his head. Usually, Hiccup would be home by now, but he's probably hanging with that Astrid chick he's been talking about.

"Hey Toothless." I say patting his head.

He looks at me with a look I can tell, "Whats wrong?" , I hang out with Hiccup too much.

"Well, there's this girl..." he tilts his head in a mockingly playful manner.

"Shut up, anyways she's really sweet and kind, nice, beautiful, pretty- I'm rambling aren't I?" he just nods a little.

"But she also has the same powers as me. And now I don't feel alone anymore, everytime I'm with her, that lonely feeling is gone, like it never existed." He just stares at me blankly.

"You know it would help if you talked..." I said jokingly, he just rolled his eyes.

"I have a crush on her but something tells me, that what I'm feeling is more than a crush, I know I just met her but I can't help but think about her every single second.Shoot! Because of Pitch we didn't get to try out for the play! I guess we will have to try out tomorrow." I say petting his head gently. Toothless knows how to comfort people when needed, it's one if the things I always liked about him.

I hear the door slam and some shouting downstairs.

"Forget it Astrid! We're over! "(A/N Don't hate me AstridxHiccup shippers)

"What happened Hicc?" I say going down the stairs.

"Astrid. She said she had to cancel on our plans, she didn't say why, but I went to go pick up dinner and I saw her in an alleyway making out with that stupid Hans guy. I know he's the player, but she kissed him! Not the other way around, she just walked up to him started flirting and kissed him. And when I asked her to explain she said 'You weren't enough for me.' like what the heck, then she followed me here like nothing happened. I swear I thought she was different." he says chucking the Chinese food bag on the table.

"I didn't even know you guys are-were dating, I'm sorry Hicc, they're are better girls out there then that skunk of a girl." I say placing a hand on his shoulder.

He chuckles slightly. "Thanks Jack, what's got you in a good mood, I heard Pitch was in school today, shouldn't you be mad?"

"Well....." I say ruffling my snow white hair.

"THERES A GIRL!" he says jumping out of his seat.

"How'd you know!?" I say jumping back a little.

"Are you kidding me!? There was talk around the school, Jack your one of the most popular kids there, well besides that Elsa chick, all the guys are drooling over her. Wait........who's the girl you were hanging out with?" he says.

"Well.um...you.see.......I Uhhh...oh look at the time!" I trying to turn and run away.

Hiccup grabs me by the hood and yanks me back.

"Woah your strong!" I say almost falling over.

"Yeah yeah whatever now spill!" he says pushing me in a seat.

"It's umm Elsa......" I say.

"I KNEW IT I FREAKING KNEW IT!" he says fist pumping the air.

"Now you have to tell me everything." he says sitting down. And so I tell him everything.


You guys are all liars, Guardians do need sleep.

I change into my blue pajama pants, because of Hiccup.......Heaven forbid I wear the same clothes like I've always done!

I still wear my hoodie, and yes it's clean it always is so :p

I fall asleep, dreaming about an icy blast creating the most magnificent girl that ever showed so much beauty, the kissable lips, striking blue crystallized eyes like mine, perfect teeth, her pale fair skin that looks beautiful when she blushes platinum blonde hair, is it possible it's more than a crush? She would never go for a guy like me, I'm sure of it, but that doesn't mean I won't give up. But is it more than a crush? Yes you frostidiot! You love her! Shut it! Stupid conscience.......

Tomorrow is going to be a long day.......


I come home and I am bombard with Anna asking me questions, I tell her everything and she is freaking out......

She says she ships me and Jack whatever that means, and she is going to come up with a ship name.

I know I just met Jack and I know I have a little crush on him but I think it's more than that. But he's way out of my league.

I change into blue tank top and blue shorts. I rebraid my her into another French braid.

I wish I could tell Jack how I feel. I fall asleep to the vision of a boy with snow white hair, kissable lips, pale skin, striking blue eyes as if they have snowflakes in them. How am I ever going to survive tomorrow?

A/N Hi my frosties.I have to call you that sometimes so shuddup, I am being forced against my will to do this, but for all you mine craft lovers out there, my sister has a book , just look up my sister JulesrulesCM and you will find the story there.

I know I owed you guys a long chapter so here it is, I think......

Love ya snowflakes!


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