"Take her Take part of my heart as well."

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*Sighs*, how many of you saw that update my friend @harry-percy-games posted? How many of you thought it was an update? Yeah...sorry. Welp, he's my friend that was shipped with me *Shudders* Jella, yikes. Jeez, can't people just be friends? Btws sorry for your broken feels.


"Jack! Come on! " I turn around and see her in my hoodie and her spankies, this isn't how I remember it. She twirls around and I watch in awe as the sunlight hits her face and makes her gleam with radiance and beauty.

She runs up a hill then makes a staircase leading up to the sky. I watch as she smiles to herself finally excepting who she is. As she runs, she forgets a step and falls, same as every time, I catch her.

"Elsa, please be careful, I can't risk you getting hurt, I would never be able to live with myself." I say into her hair as she buries her face into my chest. I'm wearing my hockey jersey, this isn't how I remember it either. She takes my hand and smiles, that radiant smile that makes my heart melt along with the rest of me.

She starts walking, in a field with snow blossoms and periwinkles everywhere incased with snow. I watch as she slightly turns with her eyes closed and smiles, she inhales the fragrance and opens her eyes.

"Come on Jack, let's keep walking." She says walking ahead with my hand in hers. She stops at a bridge and gazes at it. She pulls me up and she stands in the center while I stand to the right of her.

I clearly don't remember this part.

The bridge is a few feet up above a lake, my lake, the one I died and was resurrected in. She leans on the railing, she closes her eyes and I see she is finally happy, but worried.

"Its beautiful isn't it?" she says watching the water ripple, I nod. She sighs and looks down.

"Snowflake, what's wrong?" I ask touching her shoulder.

"Beauty, beauty is a flaw, a minor detail that is taken for granted. No one looks past it, or thinks of it, all except you and I. Look, what do you see?" she says watching the snow blossoms fall from the tree.

"I see beauty, and grace. But last looks, I see fear, yet strong ripples pushing through to what matters most. Inner peace, but a hurting past. I see brokenness in need of repairing. I don't need a lake to tell you what I see. All I see is you. " I say touching her cheek gently, she leans her head gently into it and let's a tear escape. Her hand gently grips mine before she lets out a shaky breath.

"Snowflake, what's wrong?" I ask turning her towards me.

"I see a boy, who lived his years in doubt and isolation. Yet, he is some one who can make your day and smile the brightness, out shining the moon and making you laugh when you truly need it. He is proud, yet scared. He is strong, yet.....broken. And he needs me to repair him. Yet none of us want to admit we need help, we do. " She smiles a little.

"And he does truly love me." She turns back towards the water.

"Jack, I'm trapped." She says gripping the railing tighter. I watch as more tears escape.

"W-what do you mean?" I ask as tear start to fill my eyes."I mean, I'm trapped, between either going, or ......leaving. Your supposed to have a choice here, to either stay, or go. But I don't have one, my choice is to stay with the people I love and care about, but I can't go back, yet I can't leave either. I don't want to go, it may seem selfish, but, I was just starting to live my life, after those years of being confined and isolated I was free, with you. Please? Help me."

I let the tears go again, and feel her wipe them away. "Elsa, please, try and fight for you, your family, your friend's, for me, ....for us. I love you Elsa." I say as I feel myself fading.

"I love you too Jack." is the last thing I hear her say.

Oh my Frost, I did it again MARSHMALLOW I NEED MORE FRICKIN TISSUES IF IM GOING TO KEEP WRITING THIS THING, Btws read the rest a little down below or to the side Idk and what did you think of the story?

This character is made based off my friend and it still is based around the story.

New character

I risen from what felt like ashes and dirt, filth and lack of oxygen burned my lungs but that wasn't the worse of it. I'm dead, I'm supposed to be dead. I even remember dying, it was painful and excruciating to the core. But then again why am I back? Why am fully intact?

I walk to this old creaking bed that was broken and torn, I had a strong urge to jump, so I did .

I landed on both my feet in what looked like dark catacombs, cages rattling everywhere. I made my way to the only light source I had seen down here besides broad daylight up on the surface. "Great job you idiot." I think, "You managed to crawl out of your grave and into the ground again."

Whatever, I make my way to this metallic globe, it has dots on it that must represent something. Why am I interested in light? The dark seems to draw me in.

I take a step back and almost slip, my foot makes a scruff noise, it's a broken shard of a mirror. I pick it up one piece and it large enough to capture my full face.

My hair is no longer a dirty blonde that once came from my mother, my skin was a sickly grey like a corpse, my hair was dark like the nights shadows, my clothes were replaced with a dark dress that reached my knees with a back bow and ballet flats. I stared back up at my face and yellow piercing eyes stared at me back, they weren't no longer my bluish greenish ones. I no longer looked like my mother.....

I heard a whisper like someone was talking to themselves. I took a shard that was beside the one I found and fit it into my palm. I crept closer to the shadow and saw the figure.

"Kayla? I-is that you?" He said in a whisper. I nodded even though it wasn't my facial features that weren't mine.

"Dad?" And I dropped the shard of glass being my only protection.

Jack and ElsaWhere stories live. Discover now