Late Night and Spy work.

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After Jack had his deep thoughts about his feelings for Elsa and their sweet moment of hugging he could sense they were both getting tired.

He swayed from side to side, holding on to her like she was his dream. After awhile he could feel Elsa's grip loosen a bit signalling she was tired but didn't want the moment to end, just like Jack.

He whispers in her ear "Thanks Elsa, for everything." Then kisses her cheek and let's go. Leaving Elsa in a daze from his cool warm touch left on her cheek. They walk to either side of the bed and fall asleep.


During their sleep, Jack and Elsa both turn to their sides and face each other so close that their noses brush against each other's in each cool breath they take.

Unwittingly and unaware, Jack puts his arms around Elsa's waist and pulls her close, once again, burying his face into her neck. Elsa doesn't object, because she is sleeping and unaware also. Her face goes to his neck also and she breaths in his winter scent that gives her a sense of security, besides being in Jack's arms or with Jack honestly. Her arms go around his side's also, just below the rib. Their legs intertwined and Jack pulled her closer while sleepy mummering her name from a dream.

Hiccup wakes up to go to the bathroom around two when he sees them. Having pride in his best friend he take out his phone, Elsa's, and Jack's and clicks on an app that records and takes pictures. He set them both up and captured everything, including Jack mummering Elsa's name. Later on Elsa begins to mumble Jacks name in her dream state.

Hiccup felt somewhat proud, he had caught several moments with these two, he just waited till the right time to show them. He did owe Jack anyways for helping him deal with his breakup. It was obvious around school that they had a thing for each other, it had been a month and they were auditing on Monday for a play. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Don't they know what the play is about?


After a couple more hours of sleep, Hiccup was again the first to wake up. He stared at Merida for awhile(Not in perverted way), and wondered if he was falling for her. He then turned his attention back to the crushing teens and noticed they were still in the same position as before.

Eventually Merida woke up and drew her attention to what Hiccup was looking at. She 'Awwwed' over the sight, even if she was practically a tomboy, she still loved love, as long as it wasn't her parents at the dinner table.....

Hiccup showed Mer and once Punzie awoke the video. Of course they fangirled over it and dragged Kristoff and Anna, Kristoff fist bumped Hiccup for the secret spy work, and Anna and the girls freaked out over how adorable and right they were for each other.

How he held her waist in a protected manner, how he nuzzled his head every once in awhile to her neck, the way he dreamly mumbled her name. They even saw that Jack Frost was Elsa's perfect boyfriend, sadly they weren't dating............yet.

The guys noticed whenever Elsa showed up, a side of Jack Frost they never seen showed up.

Jack Frost was a crazy, fun, childish, mischievous teen who seemed to attract a lot of girls but he only had his eyes on Elsa. Whenever she was with him he was sweet, kind, caring, lovable, and funny. Even they had to admit, Elsa was practically made for Jack.

He talked about her non stop. Describing how her braid moved, to her habit with a necklace, even how they had the same powers. Elsa Winters, could even make the great Jack Frost stutter and become nervous around her. The girls sent it to each of their own phones and saved all the pictures. Of course they went downstairs to watch t.v.


I woke up at like three something in the morning and remembered where I was. I was at Elsa's house........on her bed.....with Elsa.....should I high five myself the good guy you always have to be Jack!

I didn't open my eyes until I felt something move slightly. I opened my eyes to find that my face was once again buried in her neck. I could feel my arms around her waist and her arms a little below my ribs. I could feel her breaths on my neck, cool and wintery, just like me........I'm too tired right now, plus I don't want to wake her right now. She looks so beautiful sleeping. I went back to sleep wondering how we would wake up tomorrow, screaming or slapping? I heard her mumble my name and I felt myself melt, she was dreaming about me.


I felt something around my waist and I looked up to find my head was buried in his neck, his arms around my waist, and mine at his sides. It's like four something and the others were asleep. I heard my name escape his lips and he nuzzled his head more into my neck, causing me to blush furiously. What did I ever do to deserve such a sweet boy? Does he even know we are in this position? Ugh, I never want to wake up again! ..........Did I just admit that? FROST IT!


I woke up when I felt Elsa move slightly, she was awake for a little bit, unintentionally I accidentally say her name as I drifting off to sleep again. Whoops? I just nuzzle my head to her neck again as I'm drifting off, not before feeling her head burying into my chest. My grip around her tightens and  I pull her closer.

"Please tell me your not going to freeze me to to death for this?" I say quietly in her ear. She shakes her head no into my chest, I feel a smile form on her as she says "Not a chance".


I know I know, sucky chapter whatever. Sorry I didn't update, my Uncles came in last night from California and Kentucky and I haven't seen them in like 3 or 4 years. I'm writing as fast as I can too.

Btws, never mind about that other book thing with creatures and stuff to pass time by, I have everything under control and I don't need ideas for a new story anymore. And please, for those of you whose books I read that read this.......UPDATE PLEAZZZZZZZZZE , I have no life and I live off of your books.

Anyways even though it was a sucky chapter what did you guys think of it?

One last question. WHY DO YOU EVEN READ THIS PILE OF CRUD!?!??!!? IT SUCKS!!!!!!!! I can't even read the first 5 chapters without smacking myself upside the head! So please tell me why??

Btws Ask Jelsa is still on, waiting for my dares and questions, they are bored, like seriously.

Frost it up!

Love ya snowflakes!

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