Mystic Falls

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Emma Stallings

I woke up way earlier than I meant to

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I woke up way earlier than I meant to. For the first time ever, I was actually nervous about our first day at school tomorrow. Deciding to put my extra time to good use, I went into the bathroom, and started to add extra curls to my already naturally curly hair. My makeup was done to absolute perfection and I was ready to start the day.

I looked into the mirror and smiled back at myself. I looked damn good.

Today was going to be a good day. I could feel it. I looked great, I felt great, my little brother Carter was about to oversleep which was funny as hell. I just wish mom was here to laugh with me.

I finally heard Carter's alarm clock go off. The damn thing was already giving me a headache and it had only been on for a few seconds.

"Emma"? My brother yelled for me.

"Are you awake? We're gonna be late for school" he shouted down the long hallway.

Carter, my 16 year old brother, ran down the hall and into our bathroom to brush his teeth. I slowly walked into the room and leaned against the doorframe. I couldn't help but smile at his struggle to get ready in a hurry. This was funny.

He was still in his boxers and his hair was all over the place.

"Way ahead of you Carter. I've been up for hours. " I said teasing him.

"And you just let me oversleep?" He asked not even hiding his annoyance.

When he said this my smirk turned into a chuckle. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Its not funny, Emma. I have things I need to do today." he said through a groan. This only made my smile grow bigger.

"Oh what? Like hangout with Tyler Lockwood?" I asked rolling my eyes. That guy's a sleeze."

"This will just have to do" he said in a low mumble as he threw an old t-shirt on.

I grabbed my car keys off the counter and we were out the door.

I took a deep breath and prepared to take on the rest of the day. This was a new start for Carter and I. New town, new school, new friends. Mom would've wanted this.

I thought back to our first day of school, last year. Mom had woken us up to a great breakfast like she had done everyday for the past 17 years of my life. She always made sure we were prepared for the day, whether it was supplying lunch money, a number two pencil or just simply comforting us about life's problems. Ever since she passed away, Carter had become my responsibility.

I suddenly felt the sting of tears building up in my eyes as I thought about how much I missed her. Quickly, I blinked them away and tried to force the thought out of my head. I couldn't let Carter see me upset. I had to keep up the act that I was okay.

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