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Picture of Rose^^

Emma Stallings

"What the hell do you want, you freak!" I screamed as I pulled my arm away from Trevor, the psycho vampire. 

"Ssh. Just a taste." He moaned as she sniffed my hair. It had been a whole twenty-four hours since my last shower, so I wasn't sure what he was enjoying.

"If you bite me, I'm going to slap the taste out of your mouth." I promised him.

Trevor chuckled. "God, I love the rowdy ones." He said as he leaned down into the crook of my neck, ready to bite me.

"Trevor! Control yourself." A woman demanded. From what I'd gathered, her name was Rose. She seemed to be nicer than Trevor, but she wasn't a peach herself.

"Buzzkill." He grumbled.

"Go get the other one."

The other one? Tell me they don't mean Elena.

"What do you want with me?" Elena shrilled. Yep. That's the sister I know and love.

"Emma?" She called as her eyes fell on me. Clearly she was just as confused as I was, and hated I was here.

"Oh my God, you two look just like her." She whispered to us in awe.

"That Katherine bitch? Listen, we aren't fans either, okay? But neither of us are-

"Be quiet!" Rose demanded, causing me to sigh irritably that she'd screamed at me once again.

"But we're not Katherine. My name is Elena Gilbert, and this is my sister Emma. You don't have to do this." Elena pleaded.

"I know who you are, I said be quiet."

"What do you want?"

Before my eyes could even register what had happened, I heard a loud pop followed by Elena's unconscious body falling backwards onto the dusty couch.

"I want you to be quiet." She demanded.

I felt my blood start to boil, and without even taking a moment to think, I found myself running toward her stupidly. As I made my way to her, Trevor quickly grabbed me at vampire speed and held me back, probably for my own safety.

"If I were you, I'd be quiet." Trevor giggled into my ear.

"If I were you I'd get your grubby hands off of me." I shouted as I wiggled in his arms.

"Take it from me. Loyalty only gets you hurt in the end." She said as she shot Trevor a look.

Rose strutted out of the room, and slammed the door behind her angrily. I felt Trevor's grip loosen on me as he sighed. "I'll be back for you later, love." He whispered in a failed attempt to be seductive.

I plopped down on the dirty couch next to Elena and moved her hair from her face. Poor thing. She really took a hard slap to the face there. Rose's entire hand print was edged into her skin, making my blood boil even more.

By now, Elena and I had been missing for probably about twelve hours now. Hopefully somebody had noticed we were gone.  I sighed wondering what Damon's reaction to the news must've been. Was he worried? Scared? Maybe he was the one who noticed.

My lips began to tug upward at the thought of him. For such a terrible guy, he definitely has his moments. I just wished he let people see them more.

I looked over to Elena again and saw that her eyes were slowly starting to flutter back open. She slowly sat up, her hand pressed to her cheek. After that nasty pop Rose had given her, I figured she's would be out for awhile.

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