Plan B

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Matt Donovan^^

Emma Stallings

When I finally opened my eyes, I found myself laying in my bed, with nobody to be found. I was in here all alone, completely the opposite from the last thing I remembered. We had been in the Lockwood cellar. Elena, Stefan, Damon, and Liz were all there, and we were trying to save Stefan and Damon. Suddenly, the events prior to my blackout started to come back. I was shot.

My hand quickly flew to my side where my wound had previously been, but I felt nothing but my soft skin, perfectly unharmed.

It was then that I remembered. A vampire healed me, but not just any vampire. It was Trystan. My best friend had lied to me, fooled me into thinking he was something he wasn't. I felt tears begin to fill in my eyes as I thought about him. This entire time I'd been telling him about Damon, trusting him, caring about him, giving him Elena advice, hell I even invited him in my home, and all this time it was a lie. Was he using me for something? Was he working for Katherine?

"I need to see her." I heard from the hallway.

"What you need is to get the hell out of Mystic Falls before I rip you to bits." I heard Damon say.

"I need to explain this to her. She needs to hear the truth!" I heard Trystan say.

The sound of his voice made my heart feel heavy in my chest. Nothing about our frienship would ever be the way it had been. If he'd told me from the beginning what he was, then maybe I could trust him, but he'd been lying to me from the start.

"She was shot, Trystan. She doesn't need to deal with your shit right now, and quite honestly, the only reason I haven't torn your heart from your chest is because I want you to be alive when you realize just how much she's gonna hate you." Damon said.

Without thinking, I let out a soft cough, which was enough for the boys to know I was up. As I blinked, Trystan flashed into the room, and was suddenly right beside me.

"Emma." He gasped looking at me longingly. I could see by the look in his eyes that he truly was scared for my life. Obviously if he healed me then he really did care about me to some degree.

"Why are you here, Trystan?" I asked trying to force the tears back.

He looked confused. "Why wouldn't I be? You're my best friend, and you were shot." He said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Your best friend? That explains why you've been lying to me all this time then." I said sarcastically.

"Emma, please. I lied to you, yes but-"

"But what? What can you possibly say that's going to fix this?" I asked with tears in my eyes. "For weeks I've been trusting you, I've told you everything, and in that time all you've been doing is lying to me for God knows what, making me think that I could trust you!" I cried.

"Emma, you can trust me. I saved your life. I've been watching out for you more than you ever know. I didn't tell you about being a vampire because I didn't want it to change things. You're my best friend and I love you." He whispered to me.

"Oh you didn't want to change things? Well how did that work out for you?" I asked.

"I don't understand. Caroline, Stefan, Damon, they're all vampires and you care for them. Why am I different?"

"Because none of them have lied to me about it. Despite their flaws, they've always been honest about what they were, and you made me believe you cared about me when you didn't. What are you even doing in Mystic Falls?" I asked shaking my head.

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