Party Animals

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*Picture of Carter*^^

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*Picture of Carter*^^

Emma Stallings

The rest of that night, and all the next morning I couldn't stop thinking about my conversation with Tyler. What was that about? He obviously doesn't want to get back with me if he's making out with Vicki right where I could see him, but then again why would he go through the trouble of apologizing if he didn't want to try to win me back? Either way, I couldn't let him see that he had gotten to me. I couldn't let him use this as an advantage.

My train of thought was interrupted by the sound of Mr. Tanner lecturing us about the lame civil war battles.

"The Battle of Willow Creek took place right here in our very own Mystic Falls. How many casualties resulted in this battle? Ms. Stallings? " he called.

"Oh um....I'm not sure. A lot? Like a whole lot". I said in the most smart ass tone I could muster up.The whole room started to giggle and smirk. This only made Mr.Tanner annoyed.

"Cute becomes dumb in an instant, Emma." He said with a tone that was full of aggravation. His rude comment didn't really get to me though. At least I got out of having to figure the answer out.

"Mr. Donovan, maybe you'd like to take this opportunity to overcome your embedded jock stereotype" he asked Matt.

"That's okay , Mr.Tanner. I'm cool with it." He said through a smirk. The entire room broke into laughter again. His anger seemed to grow.

Matt and I shot each other knowing glances and laughed at the fact that we'd both irritated Tanner.

"Hmmm... Elena?" He asked. "Surely you can enlighten us on one of the town's most historical events"?

"I'm sorry, Mr. Tanner. I don't know" she admitted.

Her answer was by far the most polite and least annoying of the three. However, Tanner seemed to have steam pouring out of his ears, he was so angry at getting yet another wrong answer.

"I was willing to be lenient last year for obvious reasons, Elena. But the personal excuses ended with summer break." He snapped.

I can't believe he just brought up her parent's death in front of the entire class like that. Elena sighed and looked down at her desk. It was clear she was upset. I had to get back at this asshole.

"There's no need to be a dick about it." I said. He turned around quickly and his entire face had grown red.

"What did you just say to me?" He asked very taken back.

"I said you're being a dick. Don't bring up the death of a person's parents just because they don't know the answer to your dumb ass question. You're a teacher. Fucking TEACH us about the battle of Willow creek before you bitch people out." I said. I was almost certain this was going to earn me a one way ticket to the office.

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