Blood brothers

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Emma Stallings

For the past few days, Elena and I had been staying at the Salvatore Boarding House to keep an eye on Stefan. It was weird being here for days at a time. The only times I ever stayed over night would be when Damon made me, but this was different. We were here by choice. Elena was on edge of course. She'd been giving Damon and I nothing but attitude since day one.

"It's so hard seeing him locked up like this." Elena whined.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you the one who locked him up?" I asked.

"You and your little boyfriend helped." Elena said rolling her eyes.

"First of all, let's get one thing straight. Damon's not my boyfriend. Okay? And second of all, you vervained him. Damon dragged him to the cell and locked him away. How exactly did I do anything?" I asked.

Elena glared at me before speaking. "You're right, Emma. You did absolutely nothing to lock him up. Just like you're doing absolutely nothing now to help him."

"Excuse me? I'm the one who got forced to do a pageant while you did what exactly? Because you didn't find Stefan until the whole thing was over." I said back to her.

"Ladies, as much as I love a good cat fight, you're bursting my eardrums." Damon complained as he fiddled with a small trinket that Pearl and Anna had supposedly given him.

I sighed and made my way over to him. "Did you ever figure out what the hell that is?" I asked.

"Nope. Whatever it is, it doesn't work." Damon sighed. He tossed it to the nearby table and it landed loudly, much to Elena's irritation.

"Well break it. I'm sure that'll really make it work." Elena said bitterly.

I let out a loud, annoyed sigh and rolled my eyes. "What did Pearl say about it?" I asked.

"Why are we worrying about some piece of junk that doesn't work when we have a real problem going on downstairs?" Elena asked.

"DAMMIT ELENA! That's enough okay? I know you're stressed out about Stefan but so are we okay? He's my friend and he's Damon's brother. We're worried too so stop bitching." I said.

Elena bit her lip as if she were doing everything in her power to hold her anger in. She stormed out of the house, and slammed the door on the way out.

"Damn.." I said clearly annoyed as I made my way back to Damon.

"Well now that that's settled." Damon said as he straightened his shirt. "Pearl told me that she stole this, thinking it was the vampire finding compass. Clearly she was wrong because we now know that it was the pocket watch. Whatever this is, it seems useless. All I know is Uncle John Gilbert wants it, so I don't want him to get it." Damon said villainously.

"Maybe it won't work for you because you interfere with it like you did with the compass." I suggested. "Let me try." I said reaching my hand out, but Damon wouldn't have it. He wasn't letting this out of his sight.

"Seriously? What do you think I'm going to do? Give it to John?" I asked as I grabbed for it again, but Damon, being way faster than me, was able to move it further from my grasp.

"Uh huh." Damon said shaking his finger at me in disapproval.

Damon's phone started to ring from across the room, and I quickly darted over to it before he could.

"Damon Salvatore's phone." I answered cheerfully to annoy Damon.

"Emma?" Ric called from the other side of the phone.

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