Under Control

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Picture of John Gilbert^^

Emma Stallings

After Damon dropped me off last night, I went straight to my room before anyone could ask any questions about my day.

The next morning, I stayed in my room for hours thinking about everything that had been going on. Lately it felt like I had become completely distant from everyone apart from Stefan, Elena, and Damon. They were the only people I could really talk to about the whole vampire thing. Obviously Bonnie knew about them, but she wanted no part in it, with good reason. She lost her Grams because of it.

I hadn't heard from Tyler in awhile which worried me. He had acted like we were together again, and he flirted with me, but it had been such a long time since we'd last spoke and I hardly ever saw him.

Finally, I forced myself out of bed and made my way to the livingroom where I heard a knock at the door.

"Jenna, the door!" I called but I received no answer.

"Jeremy? Carter?" I called hoping somebody else would get it, but still, I was left in silence. Knowing Elena was with Stefan, I didn't even bother to call for her. These useless people. I grumbled and stomped my way over to the door and swung it wide open as I was met with a face I didn't recognize.

"Can I help you?" I asked, squinting my eyes as the sun blazed into my face. The man looked at me with a smirk that made me believe he knew the Gilberts who lived here.

He obviously thought I was Elena, but I continued to stare at him in confusion.

"Elena. Hey! I know it's been awhile but you didn't forget about your uncle John already did you?" He asked sarcastically.

"Maybe I'd remember you if I were Elena." I said rubbing my eyes in an attempt to wake up.

John looked at me in confusion before his face fell flat in realization. I'd never met this man before so what could he have possibly realized?

"I'm Emma." I said to him extending my hand to him.

He gave me his hand but he looked lost for words, as if he'd just seen a ghost.

"Hey man are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine you just look.. exactly like my niece." He said as he recovered himself.

"Yeah well I recently found out she was my twin sister and it's been crazy but here I am, the Elena look alike." I said laughing.

I stepped to the side and allowed the man to enter the house. Obviously, I was careful to be sure I didn't invite him inside. Can't ever be too cautious with vampires running around.

"Jenna. Hey." He said smiling at her. Jenna looked as if she were very uncomfortable with his presence and he was obviously enjoying every bit of her suffering. Whatever was going on there, was clearly a story I needed to hear.

"John. You made it." Jenna said as if she were disappointed he actually showed up.

"I said I would be here at nine." He explained.

"Yeah well what you say and do are usually two very different things." Jenna shot at him.

"Well this is awkward as hell so I'm going to make some coffee." I said as I made my way to the kitchen. Clearly they weren't understanding that I wanted to be alone, because they both followed right behind me.

"Uncle John. Hey." Jeremy said as he made his way into the kitchen.

"Who's Uncle John?" Carter asked rubbing his eyes as I had just finished doing moments ago.

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