Daddy issues

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Picture of Brady^

Emma Stallings

"The authorities believe last night's assailant may also be related to the missing campers and park ranger who have yet to be found, as well as 25-year-old Jessica Koenig, reported missing this morning. The sheriff's department says investigations are pending and no further comment will be made. In related news Mayor Lockwood spoke earlier today..." The news lady, Andie Star, spoke. Apparently there was another "animal attack" last night, and I wasn't sure whether or not it was Rose.

"Morning." John said cheerfully as he made his way into the kitchen and started digging through the cabinets.

"What are you doing here, John?" I asked sipping my vervain coffee. Just because he was my father, doesn't mean that I wanted him here. He was nothing but hateful last time he was in town.

"You like coffee?" He asked avoiding my question.

"We're not doing that. We did that last night. No more avoiding. Why are you here?" I repeated.

"I'm here to protect you and your sister. That's all I can say for the moment. I'll tell you more when I'm convinced I can trust you."

"When you can trust me? What the hell is that supposed to mean? You're the prejudice asshole who nearly killed Damon, and did kill Anna and the mayor. How do I know I can trust you?"

Before my "father" could say anything back to me, Jenna and Alaric stumbled into the livingroom, clearly in a rush.

"Oh God, I'm late." Jenna chuckled while she hopped on one foot, trying to slip her shoes on.

"That's what you get for hitting the snooze three times!" Ric teased, still not realizing John's presence.

Jenna looked over in my direction, and finally spotted John not to far behind me. Her face fell flat from the giggly smile that had been there before.

"What the hell?"

"Good morning to you, Jenna. Alaric... "

"It's okay I'm confused, right? Because we were not expecting you, like, ever." Jenna said, clearly annoyed that he was here.

"You're free to return to whatever hellhole you crawled out of though." I said cheerfully.

John ignored my comment. "Well, I got in late last night. Elena let me in."

"I'd be glad to let you back out."

"You know, I'm uh, probably just gonna take off." Alaric said uncomfortably.

He shot Jenna an uncomfortable smile before making his way out the door to miss all of the arguing. Lucky bastard.

"I'm still confused here."

"I decided to come back and stay for a while." John said.

I knew this was all Stefan and Trystan's doing. This was their big "save us all" move?

"Not here, you're not." Jenna shot back.

"Actually, you can't stop me from living here."

"Actually I can, as the legal guardian of the four kids that live here."

"Yeah, about, Emma, you want me to explain the situation, or would you like to do the honors?"

Oh shit. In all of the chaos I'd totally forgotten that she didn't know...

"Okay, what's going on?"

"I'm sorry, Jenna. I should have told you earlier, but-"

"I'm Elena and Emma's biological father. There, now you know." He blurted nonchalantly before walking out of the house off to cause trouble elsewhere.

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