Friday night bites

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Picture of Caroline^^

Emma Stallings

The rest of the night Elena and I stayed up talking. She told me about her romantic moment with Stefan where they shared their first sloppy kiss and made memories to last a lifetime and all that crap.

I'm glad her life is taking a turn for the best because mine has done the complete opposite. Tyler and I broke up, I watched a guy die right after I was nearly sexually assaulted, I learned that there are vampires in Mystic Falls, my best friend is falling for one, and my other best friend, Caroline, is obsessed with seeing Damon again. Not to mention Damon was threatening Carter if I told anybody about any of this. I felt like I was going to lose my mind if I didn't find some way to get this all out so I decided to start writing a diary. I'd never done it before, but Elena does it , and she seems to believe it's helpful.

The next morning, Elena and I met up with Bonnie as we walked into the school.

"I'm just saying, maybe you should take it slow" Bonnie told Elena. "You're single for the first time in your high school career you know? Maybe try playing the field before you jump into another relationship." She suggested.

"Bonnie, for the first time in awhile I feel really good, and Stefan is a huge part of that" Elena said.

"I just get a weird feeling when I'm around him. That's all. " Bonnie said trying to end the conversation.

I knew what she meant. It was the same feeling I got around Damon. She must've been sensing on the fact that Stefan was a vampire.

"Soooo, that's it? This is all because of a bad feeling?" Elena said through a chuckle.

"When I accidentally touched him, I got a real bad vibe.It was bad bad. Its hard to explain." She said looking down to the ground.

"Bonnie, what was it?" I asked.

"Death" she said simply. "When I was near him, I sensed Death". She looked so serious like she was truly scared of him.

Just as she got the words out of her mouth, Stefan walked over to us. Bonnie took a step back, putting distance between herself and Stefan. He looked hurt that she was scared of him.

"I should go" Bonnie said before taking off so fast she nearly made the vampires look slow.

"She doesn't like me much" Stefan concluded, looking down at the ground.

"She just doesn't know you" Elena corrected.

"I'm sure once she gets to know you a little better she'll come around" I said trying to comfort him. Stefan looked at me with an appreciative smile and said "I sure hope so".

"You know what? You, me, Bonnie, and Emma will all meet at my house tonight for dinner. 8:00. You and Bonnie will have a chance to get to know each other better and she will see what a great guy you are." Elena said, smiling up at Stefan.

"I think that sounds like a great idea" I said encouragingly. I really did hope Bonnie came around to liking Stefan. Yes, he's a vampire and yes he could be dangerous but nothing he had done so far made him look guilty yet. As of now he was passing the best friend's boyfriend test. He did his best to help me and Vicki last night and he helped me get away from Damon the night he attacked Nathan.

His brother however? Not very fond of that one.

"Well I should go see where Bonnie got off to, but I'll see you guys in class" I said as I walked off, giving them time to talk.

I saw Tyler, Carter, and Matt throwing a football to each other back and forth. Tyler and I hadn't spoken since the night in the grill when he apologized to me. Despite the fact that Elena left me with him last night, we still didn't speak. We both just talked only to Caroline and Matt.

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