Memory Lane

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Mason Lockwood^^

Trystan's POV

Emma and I were hanging out at her favorite place: the grill. Ever since last night, we had been laughing and hanging out talking about everything under the sun. She'd trusted me with so many of her secrets and problems, and I wanted to do the same with her, but if she knew the truth, she would never see me the same way.

"So Jenna is throwing this barbecue or whatever, I'm not sure. It was Ric's idea. Anyway, you should come. I think it'll be fun." She said just before taking a bite of her burger.

"Yeah sure I'll come, but only if we can eat more of that ice cream from last night." I said smiling as I recalled the memory.

"Shitttttt, that ice cream was amazing." Emma said laughing.

"Maybe this time we can watch something other than Twilight." She said shaking her head.

"What? You don't like vampires?" I asked.

Emma gave me a confused face as if she were trying to figure me out. "I've watched a few fiction movies, yeah." Emma said.

Just as she said this, Damon walked into the grill and made his way straight toward us. I could hardly stand to look at him after all of the things Emma had told me. She deserved so much more than him, and although there was nothing romantic going on between us, I would never miss an opportunity to make him think otherwise.

"So, this is where you spend your time when you're not stabbing people in the back." He said smugly as he made his way over to our table.

I could see this was about to get ugly, and I wasn't going to let him talk to her that way.

"I tricked you into telling me the truth, that's not stabbing you in the back, it's using your own tactics against you." She said in a snarky tone while fiddling with the straw in her drink.

"Man, why don't you just leave her alone? Don't you think you've put her through enough?" I asked as I stood up to face him.

"Ohhh, a brave one. I'm impressed." He said smirking at Emma. Instead of commenting, she just rolled her eyes.

"Trystan, I'll see you at the house later. I've got this." She said as she stood up beside me.

I tightened my jaw as I contemplated exactly what to do. Damon was a dick, and I didn't like Emma being around him, but I knew he would never hurt her. He cared about her.

"Fine. I'll see you then." I said softly to her, placing a kiss on her lips for Damon's benefit.

She smiled greatfully at me before I started making my way to the door.

I couldn't believe it. All my life, I wanted to know about them. I wanted to know where I came from, but mom couldn't have been right about this. I couldn't be a Salvatore.

Emma's POV:

I started gathering my things to leave as soon as Trystan was safely out of the door. I didn't want Damon to do something stupid, and hurt him.

"Where are you going?" Damon asked giving me his most seductive smile. Was that his plan? Seduce me into forgiving him?

"Anywhere but here. I came here to hang out with Trystan, the guy who I actually enjoy being around. The one you just ran off." I said smugly.

"Oh please. I give it about a week before you're crawling back to me." He taunted.

I felt my blood start to boil. Did he seriously think that was going to happen? That I'd take a few days to cool off and then beg for him back? He's more delusional that I thought.

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